An odd question

i know that when the last process in a container exits, the container comes to an end (though i do not know what information about the container disappears … i assume its files don’t). what i am curious about is what happens when there are no more host processes running (e.g. all processes running under this kernel are in a container)? if there is just one container, does it become the host? what if there are two (or more) containers running?

When the last process on the host exists, your kernel panics.
But that last process (init) usually is designed so that it cannot exit, leaving that case to only happen when it crashes, taking the entire system with it.

then i will need to rethink my design. maybe the host will just have an idle init. that also reminds me that lists of things for most things are made so there cannot be zero things. list implementations are more efficient if they don’t need to consider a possible empty state.

my idea is to have two distros running concurrently with the host doing nothing and not using resources like an IP address. i am trying to see how much of the host i can make go away.