FYI: When converting containers via lxd-p2c, old (no longer present/relevant) entries in /etc/fstab can cause IP Address to not be set

Not sure whether this is a known issue (perhaps something I should have just “known” as a Linux server admin), but figured I’d share in case someone else runs into the same issue.

I copied a live system (VMware VM in this case) via lxd-p2c like so:

$ sudo ./lxd-p2c wordpress-test / /boot

and ended up with a container which has the contents of ‘/’ and ‘/boot’. That part worked.

However, the /etc/fstab file in the newly generated container still has the mount points from the old system. At boot time, the entry within the /etc/fstab time in the container were enough to cause the network configuration to not be applied as expected. Once I commented out the entries within the /etc/fstab file and restarted the container, the system was able to pull an IP Address via DHCP as intended.

On a related note:

After very brief testing, I was able to have the container start without issue without a /etc/fstab file present. Is that file even needed within a LXD container? I assume it is, but very quick testing appears to indicate otherwise. Would an empty /etc/fstab file cause any issues?

lxd-p2c doesn’t perform any modification to the container’s content as such modifications would be very distribution and environment specific.

It’s indeed up to the user to perform the few post-migration steps that may be required.
In some cases it’s updating network configuration files, in some other, cleaning up no longer relevant /etc/fstab entries, sometimes it involves disabling some services, …

Your distribution in the container still does use /etc/fstab, though LXD does pre-mount /, /proc and /sys, so if that’s all you have in there, it’s indeed not actually used.

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Understood. Thanks for explicitly noting those details. On a related note, is there a separate docs page for lxd-p2c? This seems like great material to include in such a page.

Ah, OK that makes sense. Is that configurable from a property somewhere in a profile or on the container itself? Just curious.

Thank you for your time!

Not really, you can manually mess with raw.lxc and modifying the config option through that, but it’s not something we’d recommend.

Thanks for confirming, I appreciate your quick and detailed responses.