How do I apply the host time zone to a container?

How can I apply the time zone of an LXD host to one of its containers created from image “Ubuntu focal amd64”? The time zone of the LXD host is “America/Montreal” (-05:00 or -04:00 during Daylight Savings Time (DST)) and that of the container is UTC. Is UTC the default time zone for containers created from any Linux image from

See here:

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Following the instructions in @simos’ very helpful blog post:

$ lxc start development1
$ lxc exec development1 -- date
Tue May 19 16:55:46 UTC 2020
$ lxc profile set macvlan environment.TZ America/Montreal
$ lxc exec development1 -- date
Tue May 19 12:56:09 EDT 2020
$ lxc restart development1
$ lxc exec development1 -- date
Tue May 19 12:56:27 EDT 2020
$ lxc exec development1 -- cat /etc/timezone


  • After changing environment variable TZ in the profile, LXD immdiately applies the change to the running container and this change persists after restart.
  • Changing environment variable TZ does not affect the default time zone in /etc/timezone which is still Etc/UTC.
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