How to map multiple uids to same host's user?

How can I map mutiple uids of a container to the same uid on the host?
To create a 1-to-1 mapping is well documented and works equally well. Ex:
printf “uid 1006 1000” | lxc config set myCT raw.idmap -
But I want to map users 1000 and 1001 of myCT to user 1006 on the host, how should I do? For other reasons, I’d like to avoid to make users 1000 and 1001 belong to a common group.
I have tried the following, but either “lxc config set” fails or (for the 1st entry) the container does not start:

  • printf “uid 1006 1000\nuid 1006 1001” | lxc config set webhome raw.idmap -
  • printf “uid 1006 1000 1001” | lxc config set webhome raw.idmap -
  • printf “uid 1006 1000,1001” | lxc config set webhome raw.idmap -

Thank you!

You can’t, this isn’t something the Linux kernel allows.