How to move storage volume between cluster nodes

I have a cluster with a ZFS-backed storage pool (named test) containing a storage volume (named testvol):

administrator@modgunn:~$ lxc storage volume list test                                                                                
|  TYPE  |   NAME    | DESCRIPTION | USED BY | LOCATION |                                                                            
| custom | testvol   |             | 0       | modgunn  |                                                                            

I also have a container (called testcont):

administrator@modgunn:~$ lxc list
|    NAME     |  STATE  |        IPV4        | IPV6 |   TYPE    | SNAPSHOTS | LOCATION |
| testcont    | RUNNING |                    |      | CONTAINER | 0         | modgunn  |

If I like to move this container from one node in the cluster to another node, I can issue these commands:

administrator@modgunn:~$ lxc stop testcont
administrator@modgunn:~$ lxc move testcont testcont --target mode
administrator@modgunn:~$ lxc list
|    NAME     |  STATE  |        IPV4        | IPV6 |   TYPE    | SNAPSHOTS | LOCATION |
| testcont    | STOPPED |                    |      | CONTAINER | 0         | mode     |

However, I’m not able to move the storage volume from one node to another using similar commands:

administrator@modgunn:~$ lxc storage volume move test/testvol test/testvol --target oden
Error: Volume by that name already exists
administrator@modgunn:~$ lxc storage volume move test/testvol test/testvol2 --target oden  
Error: not found
administrator@modgunn:~$ lxc storage volume list test
| custom | testvol2  |             | 0       | modgunn  |
administrator@modgunn:~$ lxc storage volume move test/testvol2 testvol3 --target oden               
Error: No storage pool for target volume specified

How do I accomplish this with LXD?

I assume remote: is not used within a cluster, right?

If it’s of importance, this is how I setup my test storage pool:

administrator@modgunn:~$ sudo zfs create hddpool/test

administrator@mode:~$ sudo zfs create hddpool/test

administrator@oden:~$ sudo zfs create hddpool/test

administrator@modgunn:~$ lxc storage create test zfs source=hddpool/test --target modgunn
Storage pool test pending on member modgunn
administrator@modgunn:~$ lxc storage create test zfs source=hddpool/test --target mode
Storage pool test pending on member mode
administrator@modgunn:~$ lxc storage create test zfs source=hddpool/test --target oden
Storage pool test pending on member oden
administrator@modgunn:~$ lxc storage create test zfs 
Storage pool test created

I run lxd version 3.20 (installed with snap).