"lxc pause" returns "Error: unknown action pause" in Ubuntu 18.04


“lxc pause” doesn’t seem to be working for me in Ubuntu 18.04 (fresh OS installation and fresh container). How to reproduce:

$ lxc launch ubuntu:18.04 bionic  
$ lxc list
|  NAME  |  STATE  |        IPV4         |                     IPV6                      |    TYPE    | SNAPSHOTS |
| bionic | RUNNING | (eth0) | fd42:8f8d:77b8:6c04:216:3eff:fe17:28b0 (eth0) | PERSISTENT | 0         |
$ lxc pause bionic
Error: unknown action pause
$ lxc pause bionic -v --debug 
DBUG[05-09|14:05:51] Connecting to a local LXD over a Unix socket 
DBUG[05-09|14:05:51] Sending request to LXD                   etag= method=GET url=http://unix.socket/1.0
DBUG[05-09|14:05:51] Got response struct from LXD 
		"config": {
			"core.https_address": "[::]:8443",
			"core.trust_password": true
		"api_extensions": [
		"api_status": "stable",
		"api_version": "1.0",
		"auth": "trusted",
		"public": false,
		"auth_methods": [
		"environment": {
			"addresses": [
			"architectures": [
			"certificate": "stripped",
			"certificate_fingerprint": "0daf25ff4cf24ad17177d88a06c08b28db6b1295891af85419c8f2c45c1cc888",
			"driver": "lxc",
			"driver_version": "3.0.0",
			"kernel": "Linux",
			"kernel_architecture": "x86_64",
			"kernel_version": "4.15.0-20-generic",
			"server": "lxd",
			"server_pid": 1491,
			"server_version": "3.0.0",
			"storage": "dir",
			"storage_version": "1",
			"server_clustered": false,
			"server_name": "krypton"
DBUG[05-09|14:05:51] Connected to the websocket 
DBUG[05-09|14:05:51] Sending request to LXD                   etag= method=PUT url=http://unix.socket/1.0/containers/bionic/state
		"action": "pause",
		"timeout": 0,
		"force": false,
		"stateful": false
Error: unknown action pause

Only semi-relevant system/LXD changes I can think of is some dnsmasq tweaks and setting core.https_address (used “lxc copy” to transfer old containers from remote 16.04 system).

Any ideas? Thanks.

Confirmed the issue here, looking into it.

Got a fix for this, will be in LXD 3.1 and 3.0.1.

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