Lxd is shutting down

I was trying to launch a container using lxc launch ubuntu:20.04 command but it stock. now I have three operation

 lxc operation list                                                                                                                                                                  1 ↵
|                  ID                  | TYPE |    DESCRIPTION    | STATUS  | CANCELABLE |       CREATED        |
| 2ace4b22-f1fe-4efe-b0b1-611c1e01d0c6 | TASK | Creating instance | RUNNING | NO         | 2022/09/27 05:32 UTC |
| 94546d6a-67a6-47b8-9147-61ef2e6b4b09 | TASK | Creating instance | RUNNING | NO         | 2022/09/27 05:58 UTC |
| a6b684d9-025a-4ee5-9d6d-7e2ec05bd40b | TASK | Starting instance | RUNNING | NO         | 2022/09/27 05:53 UTC |

How can I force to stop theme?

Have you tried lxc stop -f <instance>?