It seems odd that neither “incus storage volume show” nor “incus storage volume info” shows the size of a custom block volume (in incus 6.0.2 with zfs storage pool)
$ incus storage volume create zfs testblk --type=block
Storage volume testblk created
$ incus storage volume show zfs testblk
config: {}
description: ""
name: testblk
type: custom
used_by: []
location: none
content_type: block
project: nsrc-builder
created_at: 2024-09-30T10:12:46.832973731Z
$ incus storage volume info zfs testblk
Name: testblk
Type: custom
Content type: block
Usage: 12.00KiB
Created: 2024/09/30 10:12 UTC
To find its size, I looked at the raw zvol properties:
# zfs get all zfs0/lxd/custom/nsrc-builder_testblk
zfs0/lxd/custom/nsrc-builder_testblk volsize 10G local
Am I missing some other option within incus?
EDIT: I also get blank output from this command:
$ incus storage volume get zfs testblk size
Although one of the examples given by incus storage volume get --help
Get values for storage volume configuration keys
incus storage volume get default data size
Returns the size of a custom volume "data" in pool "default"