Did something crazy, install Incus client in Windows

We’ve added the cert on the server (cluster).

Now repeating the remote add command.

PS C:\Windows\System32> incus remote add my_cluster https://angstel.example.com:8443
Certificate fingerprint: f3a7079038205003c4806208104f643ade069877304ac647019c3455320d92a6
ok (y/n/[fingerprint])? y
Error: json: cannot unmarshal bool into Go struct field Server.config of type string

We now tried it in WSL (the latest) with snap lxd (sorry for that, ha ha) and that works.

Can it be a conflict between incus client and lxd server?

You’re getting that error when an Incus command line client is trying to talk to a LXD server which happens to have the core.trust_password configuration key set. Unset the configuration key and things should start behaving.

(There are a couple other potential keys but core.trust_password is the one 99.99% of the time)