DNS not created for containers created in user projects

If each project zone is a sub-domain then it should still appear as each one is in the same domain, albeit in under a sub-domain for the project.

Thank you. I tried creating zone for user project but get this error:

Error: Project isn't allowed to use this DNS zone

I tried with both:

features.networks.zones: "true" and features.networks unset


features.networks: "false"
features.networks.zones: "true"

lxd git-2c77027 24047 latest/edge

This is user project and profile config:

  features.images: "true"
  features.networks: "false"
  features.networks.zones: "true"
  features.profiles: "true"
  features.storage.buckets: "true"
  features.storage.volumes: "true"
  restricted: "true"
  restricted.containers.nesting: allow
  restricted.devices.disk: allow
  restricted.devices.disk.paths: /home/user.name
  restricted.devices.gpu: allow
  restricted.idmap.gid: "5001"
  restricted.idmap.uid: "1180


  raw.idmap: |-
    uid 1180 1180
    gid 5001 5001
description: Default LXD profile
    name: eth0
    network: lxdbr0
    type: nic
    path: /
    pool: default
    type: disk
name: default

Because the project is restricted you need to set restricted.networks.zones see

This is a prefix of the zone name.

Did that work?

Hi @tomp

I have pulled LXD from edge channel and tested this, I can confirm it works as described above.

Also I understand the limitations and concerns that you described about clashing names etc.

I have noticed that each project creates their own zone. I am reviewing our DNS configuration to see whether one config can cover all the LXD zones (example lxd2.private, p1.lxd2.private, p2.lxd2.private etc.) but I think I have to create DNS config for each of these zones. So it will not be streamlined. But I will consult someone who knows bind9 well.

Thanks again for the enhancements!

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