How to update LXC/LXD to the latest version?


finally, working… uuntu18 with lxd 4.0.3
how to, working, perhaps not perfect…

after fresh install, apt update/upgrade
check if lxd is installed by defaut by deb package, (3.0.3)

apt list --installed | grep ‘lxd/’

if present, stop lxd, all lxd and uninstall:

systemctl stop lxd
systemctl stop lxd.service
systemctl stop lxd.socket
apt purge lxd
apt autoremove
hash -r // force forget programm location
after reboot, new console:
snap info lxd // to get correct version channel
snap install lxd --channel=4.0/stable
snap list // to confirm correct lxd version useable from snap
hash -r
lxd version // now, it show 4.0.3 !

and you can continue with ‘lxd init’

question remain…
WHY they added snap tool and force lxd 3.0.3 deb package on install. ??
ubuntu users are as irresponsible as windows users ?? seen from canonical??