Lxc daemon fails to start if it cannot bind to bgp address

This solution helped me solve a similar problem with core.storage_buckets_address.
I was getting the same error and LXD wouldn’t start.
I tried to see why with
> journalctl -u snap.lxd.daemon -n 300
and noticed this in the output:
Error: Bind network address: listen tcp bind: cannot assign requested address
A few days ago I was experimenting with LXD storage buckets (s3), and I had run
lxc config set core.storage_buckets_address

I fixed it as per above:

sudo sqlite3 /var/snap/lxd/common/lxd/database/local.db
sqlite> DELETE FROM config WHERE key='core.storage_buckets_address';

I am adding it here, because this was very useful to me. I was exasperated and even tried to remove the LXD snap so I could start from scratch, but (luckily) “snap remove lxd” would get stuck because of this problem, so I searched the net and found this solution.