No containers, nor VMs have access to LAN or Internet


I just did a fresh config of LXD on my local server (Ubuntu Server 22) and I found out, that I can create containers and vms without any problems, but they do not have access to the internet, nor LAN.

I’m not sure of what I did wrong, because I’ve tested the same setup on my desktop computer (Manjaro) and it worked just out of the box. Here is the config of lxd init:

lxd init
Would you like to use LXD clustering? (yes/no) [default=no]: 
Do you want to configure a new storage pool? (yes/no) [default=yes]: 
Name of the new storage pool [default=default]: 
Name of the storage backend to use (dir, lvm, zfs, ceph, btrfs) [default=zfs]: dir
Would you like to connect to a MAAS server? (yes/no) [default=no]: 
Would you like to create a new local network bridge? (yes/no) [default=yes]: 
What should the new bridge be called? [default=lxdbr0]: 
What IPv4 address should be used? (CIDR subnet notation, “auto” or “none”) [default=auto]: 
What IPv6 address should be used? (CIDR subnet notation, “auto” or “none”) [default=auto]: none
Would you like the LXD server to be available over the network? (yes/no) [default=no]: yes
Address to bind LXD to (not including port) [default=all]: 
Port to bind LXD to [default=8443]: 
Trust password for new clients: 
Would you like stale cached images to be updated automatically? (yes/no) [default=yes]: 
Would you like a YAML "lxd init" preseed to be printed? (yes/no) [default=no]: 

As you can see, bridge adapter was set, and I can ping either vms and containers from the host server, but I cannot ping container from container.

admin@nas:~$ lxc list
|       NAME       |  STATE  |         IPV4          | IPV6 |      TYPE       | SNAPSHOTS |
| ubuntu01         | RUNNING | (eth0)  |      | CONTAINER       | 0         |
| ubuntu-desktop03 | RUNNING | (enp5s0) |      | VIRTUAL-MACHINE | 0         |

admin@nas:~$ ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.734 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.616 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.621 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=0.607 ms
--- ping statistics ---
4 packets transmitted, 4 received, 0% packet loss, time 3065ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.607/0.644/0.734/0.051 ms

admin@nas:~$ lxc exec ubuntu01 -- bash
root@ubuntu01:~# ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
--- ping statistics ---
9 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 8184ms

Could you please help me to resolve this problem?

Please show ip a and ip r on the host?

Also did you read this?

Hi, this is continued here: Problems with bridge adapter, no connection to the internet from containers

I couldn’t figure out how to delete this thread.