Running X11 Software in Incus Container?

Previously, when I ran LXD via snap on Debian, running X11 applications in containers wasn’t easy but ti was doable.

I’ve since switched to Incus and am having a heck of a time following the old LXD instructions Blog Simos

Has anyone had success getting X11 within Incus up and runnig?

Host: Debian 12
Guest: Ubuntu 22.04 (though I would prefer using Debian 12 in the container but Simos’ instructions seem pretty specific to Ubuntu guests)
Obviously, SNAP is not in play.

Errors within the container:
If profile is config’d as follows:

connect: unix:@/tmp/.X11-unix/X0
listen: unix:@/tmp/.X11-unix/X0

when I execute “xclock” in the container, I get:

Authorization required, but no authorization protocol specified

Error: Can't open display: :0

If profile is config’d as follows:

    connect: unix:@/tmp/.X11-unix/X1
    listen: unix:@/tmp/.X11-unix/X0

when I execute “xclock” in the container, I get:

Error: Can't open display: :0

Now, one thing I don’t have is any special subguid or subuid mappings in part because I never had to mess with those when using LXD (due to SNAP handling that)

Any ideas?

Thank you as always!

You usually want security.uid and security.gid to be set to your user’s uid/gid on the host.

That’s because most X servers these days control access based on the user credential of whatever connects to the socket. With your current configuration, that connection would happen as root (uid/gid 0) when the X server is most likely configured to only allow your current user to talk to it.

Thank you for the response!
What would be the best approach to accomplish this?

Thank you!

Use incus config device set to set security.uid and security.gid on your proxy device.

Will I have to modify the profile that I use from Simos Blog?

EDIT: Yes, that is where I needed to make the edit. This worked. Now to test audio

Good afternoon, @stgraber.

So I have X11 running thanks to your help, but can’t figure pulseaudio.

This is my X11 profile:

  environment.DISPLAY: :0
  environment.PULSE_SERVER: unix:/home/incus/pulse-native
  user.user-data: |
      - 'sed -i "s/; enable-shm = yes/enable-shm = no/g" /etc/pulse/client.conf'
      - x11-apps
      - mesa-utils
      - pulseaudio
description: GUI LXD profile
    bind: container
    connect: unix:/run/user/1922401103/pulse/native
    gid: "1000"
    listen: unix:/home/incus/pulse-native
    mode: "0777"
    security.gid: "1933400513"
    security.uid: "1933401103"
    type: proxy
    uid: "1000"
    bind: container
    connect: unix:@/tmp/.X11-unix/X0
    listen: unix:@/tmp/.X11-unix/X0
    security.gid: "1933400513"
    security.uid: "1933401103"
    type: proxy
    type: gpu
name: gui_internet
- /1.0/instances/internet

I decide on using a Debian 12 guest because I do not like how Ubuntu forces snap on you. The security gid and uid are correct for my daily driver user on the host as I used Active Directory on my host to manage access and identity. I created the “incus” user within the guest much like “ubuntu” exists in ubuntu containers.

I install Chromium and navigated to youtube to test audio but unfortunately its not working. Here is the output:

incus@internet:~$ ALSA lib pulse.c:242:(pulse_connect) PulseAudio: Unable to connect: Timeout

[2893:2893:1028/] PcmOpen: default,Connection refused
E: [pulseaudio] main.c: Daemon startup failed.
ALSA lib pulse.c:242:(pulse_connect) PulseAudio: Unable to connect: Timeout

[2893:2893:1028/] PcmOpen: plug:default,Connection refused
ALSA lib pulse.c:242:(pulse_connect) PulseAudio: Unable to connect: Connection refused

[2893:2893:1028/] PcmOpen: default,Connection refused
ALSA lib pulse.c:242:(pulse_connect) PulseAudio: Unable to connect: Connection refused

[2893:2893:1028/] PcmOpen: plug:default,Connection refused

Unfortunately, systemctl isn’t much help:

Oct 28 19:55:53 internet systemd[151]: pulseaudio.service: start operation timed out. Terminating.
Oct 28 19:55:53 internet systemd[151]: pulseaudio.service: Failed with result 'timeout'.
Oct 28 19:55:53 internet systemd[151]: Failed to start pulseaudio.service - Sound Service.
Oct 28 19:55:53 internet systemd[151]: pulseaudio.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 7.
Oct 28 19:55:53 internet systemd[151]: Stopped pulseaudio.service - Sound Service.
Oct 28 19:55:53 internet systemd[151]: Starting pulseaudio.service - Sound Service...
Oct 28 19:56:10 internet pulseaudio[203]: Daemon already running.
Oct 28 19:56:10 internet pulseaudio[203]: pa_pid_file_create() failed.
Oct 28 19:57:23 internet systemd[151]: pulseaudio.service: start operation timed out. Terminating.
Oct 28 19:57:23 internet systemd[151]: pulseaudio.service: Failed with result 'timeout'.
Oct 28 19:57:23 internet systemd[151]: Failed to start pulseaudio.service - Sound Service.
Oct 28 19:57:24 internet systemd[151]: pulseaudio.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 8.
Oct 28 19:57:24 internet systemd[151]: Stopped pulseaudio.service - Sound Service.
Oct 28 19:57:24 internet systemd[151]: Starting pulseaudio.service - Sound Service...

Any ideas?
Thank you!

EDIT: I made some edits to the profile as follows:

  environment.DISPLAY: :0
  environment.PULSE_SERVER: unix:/home/incus/pulse-native
  user.user-data: "#cloud-config\nruncmd:\n  - 'sed -i \"s/; enable-shm = yes/enable-shm
    = no/g\" /etc/pulse/client.conf'\npackages:\n  - x11-apps\n  - mesa-utils\n  -
    pulseaudio\nwrite_files:\n  - owner: root:root\n    permissions: '0644'\n    append:
    true\n    content: |\n      PULSE_SERVER=unix:/var/pulse-native\n    path: /etc/environment
description: GUI LXD profile
    bind: container
    connect: unix:/run/user/1922401103/pulse/native
    gid: "1000"
    listen: unix:/var/pulse-native
    mode: "0777"
    security.gid: "1933400513"
    security.uid: "1933401103"
    type: proxy
    uid: "1000"
    bind: container
    connect: unix:@/tmp/.X11-unix/X0
    listen: unix:@/tmp/.X11-unix/X0
    security.gid: "1933400513"
    security.uid: "1933401103"
    type: proxy
    type: gpu
name: gui_internet
- /1.0/instances/internet

Same result with same errors :confused:

Here I am trying to give another solution to run X11 software in incus container:

  1. launch and install xrdp
    $ incus launch images:ubuntu/22.04 x11
    $ incus shell x11
    # apt-get install gnome xrdp
    # systemctl start xrdp.service
    # shutdown -r now
    $ incus list #=> get ip address
  2. access xrdp
    # on windows
    C:\> mstsc
    # on linux
    $ rdesktop
  3. If you can not access the container network directly
    incus network forward create lxdbr0 ...

Everything should work correctly.

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With pulseaudio have you tried to copy a pulseuadio cookie from host ~/.config/pulse/cookie to container?

lxc file push -p --mode=600 --gid=1000 --uid=1000 ~/.config/pulse/cookie <container_name>/home/ubuntu/.config/pulse/

I made a profile where it’s not necessary: