Stateful UIs and questions about LXD UI history

I have moved this thread to its own topic to keep the original topic compliant with the CoC.

Big orgs come with a lot of different business requirements and questionable decisions, that’s unfortunately a fact of life…

The LXD UI situation as described above is certainly a good example of how business requirements and decisions made by upper management can lead to very disappointing decisions and alienation of the community.

The same can be said of Canonical’s decision to take LXD away from the Linux Containers community and to remove all non-employees as maintainers.

At the end of the day, there’s little more that I can do about either than resign and try to help run a properly open source project with maintainers from across the industry (some employed, some not) and try to better define things to avoid repeating the same mistakes that happened under Canonical.

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