Using LXD on your Chromebook

Thanks for the wonderful post. Got a chance to learn about lxc’s. I was able to install all the containers and hit some problem when doing some ssh stuff. I am not sure what i did but ended up with this issue -
user@penguin:~$ lxc remote add chromeos1
Error: Get Unable to connect to:

I tried resetting the chrome linux to factory and went thro all the steps and ended up again at the same spot. Not sure how to go about it.
Any inputs highly appreciated.


guys, I had almost resolved the connection issue. For the step where you add remote server as given in the blog,
lxc remote add chromeos , I gave the port number this time and the issue got resolved.

I gave it as - lxc remote add chromeos

Hope this helps someone!

When I put lxc file pull ub/usr/bin/lxc /tmp/lxc (ub being the name of the container) I get Error: not found . Any reasons why?

I am using a Chromebook on 79. The container works perfectly well. For some reason lxd does not know where /tmp/lxc is or it does not exit. In that case the question would be how to make it so as to finish the tutorial. Thanks.

sorry to wake up an old post … but any pointers how to do this on newer Chrome OS builds (81+)
Looks like an update to LXC in Chrome OS 81 causes Ubuntu 18.04 to break … and with the new Ubuntu containers using LXC via snap I am not sure if this method can still work.