VM from disk Image

Granted I haven’t extensively searched much yet, but also I’m getting quite confused with different results I found so far. I’m a beginner in LXD and I’m wondering if it’s possible and how to attach a disk image (vdi/qcow2/vmdk) to an empty VM. Specifically I want to launch a VM and run a Home Assistant image.

Would appreciate if someone can guide me to the right direction. Thank you!

Your best bet for that is to create a small tarball which includes a metadata.yaml file describing the image (Handling | LXD has some more details).

Once you have that, you can do lxc image import metadata.tar image.qcow2 --alias my-image which will then import it as a new local image into LXD and you can then do lxc launch my-image v1 --vm to create an instance from it.

1 Like

Hi @stgraber, thank you for help! Unluckily I didn’t manage to get it work yet. I’m getting ‘Asked for a VM but image is of type container’

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Download the .qcow2 image
  2. Compress the image using tar: tar -cvzf haos_ova.qcow2.tar.gz haos_ova-6.1.qcow2
  3. Create a metadata.yaml file containing:
architecture: x86_64
creation_date: 1624888256
  description: Home Assistant image
  os: Debian
  release: buster 10.10
  1. Compress the metadata.yaml file: tar -cvzf metadata.tar.gz metadata.yaml
  2. Create the LXC image: lxc image import metadata.tar.gz haos_ova.qcow2.tar.gz --alias hassio
  3. Create LXC virtual-machine: lxc launch hassio ha --vm
  4. Error: Asked for a VM but image is of type container

I don’t know why the downloaded image is seen as a container, I’m guessing I have something wrong from the LXD side, since the Home Assistant image should be a VM from the source downloaded. When I try to create a container instead ( without the --vm flag ), the container is created but it doesn’t start, other errors are shown:

lxc blah-test 20210628135406.247 WARN     conf - conf.c:lxc_map_ids:3007 - newuidmap binary is missing
lxc blah-test 20210628135406.247 WARN     conf - conf.c:lxc_map_ids:3013 - newgidmap binary is missing
lxc blah-test 20210628135406.249 WARN     conf - conf.c:lxc_map_ids:3007 - newuidmap binary is missing

lxc blah-test 20210628135406.249 WARN     conf - conf.c:lxc_map_ids:3013 - newgidmap binary is missing
lxc blah-test 20210628135406.249 WARN     cgfsng - cgroups/cgfsng.c:fchowmodat:1293 - No such file or directory - Failed to fchownat(41, memory.oom.group, 1000000000, 0, AT_EMPTY_PATH | AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW )
lxc blah-test 20210628135406.431 ERROR    start - start.c:start:2162 - No such file or directory - Failed to exec "/sbin/init"
lxc blah-test 20210628135406.431 ERROR    sync - sync.c:sync_wait:36 - An error occurred in another process (expected sequence number 7)
lxc blah-test 20210628135406.431 ERROR    lxccontainer - lxccontainer.c:wait_on_daemonized_start:868 - Received container state "ABORTING" instead of "RUNNING"
lxc blah-test 20210628135406.432 ERROR    start - start.c:__lxc_start:2073 - Failed to spawn container "blah-test"
lxc blah-test 20210628135406.432 WARN     start - start.c:lxc_abort:1022 - No such process - Failed to send SIGKILL to 23916
lxc blah-test 20210628135411.440 WARN     conf - conf.c:lxc_map_ids:3007 - newuidmap binary is missing
lxc blah-test 20210628135411.440 WARN     conf - conf.c:lxc_map_ids:3013 - newgidmap binary is missing
lxc 20210628135411.445 ERROR    af_unix - af_unix.c:lxc_abstract_unix_recv_fds_iov:207 - Connection reset by peer - Failed to receive response
lxc 20210628135411.485 ERROR    commands - commands.c:lxc_cmd_rsp_recv_fds:129 - Failed to receive file descriptors

Only the metadata should be passed as a tarball, the VM image should be passed as a qcow2 directly.

Thanks! I should have noticed that from your previous comment. Launching the image now is getting stuck. I’m running: lxc launch hassio2 ha --vm --debug

I also tried: lxc launch hassio2 ha --vm -v --debug -c security.secureboot=false

Both are stopping at:

DBUG[06-28|16:11:28] Got operation from LXD
                "id": "a54785f5-fed6-4937-88ba-34c73906f06a",
                "class": "task",
                "description": "Creating instance",
                "created_at": "2021-06-28T16:11:28.096741107+01:00",
                "updated_at": "2021-06-28T16:11:28.096741107+01:00",
                "status": "Running",
                "status_code": 103,
                "resources": {
                        "instances": [
                "metadata": null,
                "may_cancel": false,
                "err": "",
                "location": "none"
DBUG[06-28|16:11:28] Sending request to LXD                   method=GET url=http://unix.socket/1.0/operations/a54785f5-fed6-4937-88ba-34c73906f06a etag=
DBUG[06-28|16:11:28] Got response struct from LXD
                "id": "a54785f5-fed6-4937-88ba-34c73906f06a",
                "class": "task",
                "description": "Creating instance",
                "created_at": "2021-06-28T16:11:28.096741107+01:00",
                "updated_at": "2021-06-28T16:11:28.096741107+01:00",
                "status": "Running",
                "status_code": 103,
                "resources": {
                        "instances": [
                "metadata": null,
                "may_cancel": false,
                "err": "",
                "location": "none"

Here is a full debug log:

root@iowetea:~# lxc launch hassio2 ha --vm -v --debug
DBUG[06-28|16:11:28] Connecting to a local LXD over a Unix socket
DBUG[06-28|16:11:28] Sending request to LXD                   method=GET url=http://unix.socket/1.0 etag=
DBUG[06-28|16:11:28] Got response struct from LXD
                "config": {},
                "api_extensions": [
                "api_status": "stable",
                "api_version": "1.0",
                "auth": "trusted",
                "public": false,
                "auth_methods": [
                "environment": {
                        "addresses": [],
                        "architectures": [
                        "certificate_fingerprint": "442ed510006258ef1617b37eba85d497d29a8876bd2b16bb4dd4fc3e37f7b480",
                        "driver": "lxc | qemu",
                        "driver_version": "4.0.9 | 5.2.0",
                        "firewall": "xtables",
                        "kernel": "Linux",
                        "kernel_architecture": "x86_64",
                        "kernel_features": {
                                "netnsid_getifaddrs": "false",
                                "seccomp_listener": "false",
                                "seccomp_listener_continue": "false",
                                "shiftfs": "false",
                                "uevent_injection": "true",
                                "unpriv_fscaps": "true"
                        "kernel_version": "4.19.0-17-amd64",
                        "lxc_features": {
                                "cgroup2": "true",
                                "devpts_fd": "true",
                                "idmapped_mounts_v2": "false",
                                "mount_injection_file": "true",
                                "network_gateway_device_route": "true",
                                "network_ipvlan": "true",
                                "network_l2proxy": "true",
                                "network_phys_macvlan_mtu": "true",
                                "network_veth_router": "true",
                                "pidfd": "true",
                                "seccomp_allow_deny_syntax": "true",
                                "seccomp_notify": "true",
                                "seccomp_proxy_send_notify_fd": "true"
                        "os_name": "Debian GNU/Linux",
                        "os_version": "10",
                        "project": "default",
                        "server": "lxd",
                        "server_clustered": false,
                        "server_name": "iowetea",
                        "server_pid": 3415,
                        "server_version": "4.15",
                        "storage": "zfs",
                        "storage_version": "2.0.3-8~bpo10+1"
Creating ha
DBUG[06-28|16:11:28] Sending request to LXD                   method=GET url=http://unix.socket/1.0/images/aliases/hassio2 etag=
DBUG[06-28|16:11:28] Got response struct from LXD
                "description": "",
                "target": "7f16d4ad57ff4e4cf9f35890e70bd2d79cc044dfa98471e598edc6adc4214105",
                "name": "hassio2",
                "type": "virtual-machine"
DBUG[06-28|16:11:28] Sending request to LXD                   method=GET url=http://unix.socket/1.0/images/7f16d4ad57ff4e4cf9f35890e70bd2d79cc044dfa98471e598edc6adc4214105 etag=
DBUG[06-28|16:11:28] Got response struct from LXD
                "auto_update": false,
                "properties": {
                        "description": "Home Assistant image",
                        "os": "Debian",
                        "release": "buster 10.10"
                "public": false,
                "expires_at": "1970-01-01T01:00:00+01:00",
                "profiles": [
                "aliases": [
                                "name": "hassio2",
                                "description": ""
                "architecture": "x86_64",
                "cached": false,
                "filename": "haos_ova-6.1.qcow2",
                "fingerprint": "7f16d4ad57ff4e4cf9f35890e70bd2d79cc044dfa98471e598edc6adc4214105",
                "size": 795017443,
                "type": "virtual-machine",
                "created_at": "2021-06-28T14:50:56+01:00",
                "last_used_at": "2021-06-28T16:03:03.535701416+01:00",
                "uploaded_at": "2021-06-28T15:57:39.099003966+01:00"
DBUG[06-28|16:11:28] Connected to the websocket: ws://unix.socket/1.0/events
DBUG[06-28|16:11:28] Sending request to LXD                   method=POST url=http://unix.socket/1.0/instances etag=
                "architecture": "",
                "config": {},
                "devices": {},
                "ephemeral": false,
                "profiles": null,
                "stateful": false,
                "description": "",
                "name": "ha",
                "source": {
                        "type": "image",
                        "certificate": "",
                        "fingerprint": "7f16d4ad57ff4e4cf9f35890e70bd2d79cc044dfa98471e598edc6adc4214105"
                "instance_type": "",
                "type": "virtual-machine"
DBUG[06-28|16:11:28] Got operation from LXD
                "id": "a54785f5-fed6-4937-88ba-34c73906f06a",
                "class": "task",
                "description": "Creating instance",
                "created_at": "2021-06-28T16:11:28.096741107+01:00",
                "updated_at": "2021-06-28T16:11:28.096741107+01:00",
                "status": "Running",
                "status_code": 103,
                "resources": {
                        "instances": [
                "metadata": null,
                "may_cancel": false,
                "err": "",
                "location": "none"
DBUG[06-28|16:11:28] Sending request to LXD                   method=GET url=http://unix.socket/1.0/operations/a54785f5-fed6-4937-88ba-34c73906f06a etag=
DBUG[06-28|16:11:28] Got response struct from LXD
                "id": "a54785f5-fed6-4937-88ba-34c73906f06a",
                "class": "task",
                "description": "Creating instance",
                "created_at": "2021-06-28T16:11:28.096741107+01:00",
                "updated_at": "2021-06-28T16:11:28.096741107+01:00",
                "status": "Running",
                "status_code": 103,
                "resources": {
                        "instances": [
                "metadata": null,
                "may_cancel": false,
                "err": "",
                "location": "none"

Sorry for the misunderstanding above, I’m guessing that ssh hung up, or a lot was going in the background without my knowledge and had my system very slow, but this worked for me to launch the vm

lxc launch hassio ha20 --vm -c security.secureboot=false

Now I can access the VM shell using lxc console ha20

Trying to exec in the shell does not work, and I think this is normal for my current situation.
lxc exec ha20 bash
Error: Failed to connect to lxd-agent

What I cannot understand now is that I cannot obtain an IP with my current macvlan profile. It works for other normal ( images:debian/10 ) containers and virtual machine.

The current macvlan profile:

root@iowetea:~# lxc profile show common
  boot.autostart: "true"
  environment.TZ: Europe/Malta
description: Iowetea common profile
    name: eth0
    nictype: macvlan
    parent: enp2s0f0
    type: nic
    path: /mnt/iowetea/main/
    source: /root/iowetea/main/
    type: disk
    path: /mnt/iowetea/repos/
    source: /root/iowetea/repos/
    type: disk
    path: /
    pool: default
    type: disk
name: common
- /1.0/instances/net
- /1.0/instances/ha20
- /1.0/instances/mytestmachine

What can I do to allow LAN access from this virtual machine instance?

The IP address is obtained through the agent or through the LXD managed DHCP server. When you use macvlan and don’t have the agent, LXD has no idea what your IP address is.

Thank you @stgraber for your assistance, even for a newbie like me!

No worries, we’re here to help!

I’m quite lost with setting up the agent in my vm. Any guidance I would appreciate. I tried mount -t 9p config /mnt but I get unkown filesystem type 9p.

Most likely your kernel in the VM doesn’t support 9p.

You can try mount -t virtiofs config /mnt instead, see if you maybe have kernel support for virtiofs?

Hi @stgraber, that didn’t work out either for me. It seems Home Assistant Operating System is very restricted, not even apt is present.

Anyhow, I managed to get home assistant running on a VM. I am using a bridged network connection with the host, the machine has network and the home assistant service is running.

Last but not least, I have one last issue to complete up my riddle. I am writing a script to setup my containers and services. It seems that using lxc console won’t do it for my bash script and I cannot run lxc exec since I’m missing the agent.

Do you have any tips you can share about what I can do to execute a couple of commands inside an LXD VM without the agent, from a bash script running on the host. ( and maybe if there is any possibility of having the lxd-agent working in the VM at all! )

Hmm, short of having the agent, I suspect SSH is probably your best bet. Assuming that they at least have that :slight_smile:

You could in theory transfer all the bits needed for the agent, they should be at /var/snap/lxd/common/mntns/var/snap/lxd/common/lxd/storage-pools/default/virtual-machines/ha20/config/

You can transfer that into the VM and manually install it, but if you don’t have 9p and virtiofs, chances are you also don’t have vsock and without vsock, the agent cannot work.

I don’t think I’m going to be so lucky this time :cry:

SSH is not available without any manual intervention.

Would be great if one can pass commands through the console - but I guess I don’t know what I’m asking for here :slight_smile:

Yeah, the console is a weird beast, it’s really like if you were attached to a system over a serial port. You can write stuff to it but to do it perfectly correctly, you need to parse what’s printed back and deal with fun things like escape sequences, maximum line width, … it’s a lot harder than when you’re dealing with a clean stdin/stdout/stderr.

Yep I see, thank you for your explanation.

For this specific situation, I managed to go around it by using curl and a python websocket script for my automation script.

Unfortunately I bumped into another brick wall, I need to have a passthrough for my USB device. I’ve google around and I didn’t find a clear answer as much as I wanted. Is this possible yet for VMs?

Yeah, you can use lxc config device add NAME usb1 usb vendorid=ABC productid=DEF and that device will be attached to the VM.

Thanks @stgraber! Couldn’t lay my hands on my computer this weekend, I was looking forward to try it, and it worked!

Trying to run lxc image import /tmp/metadata.tar.gz /tmp/haos_rpi4-64-6.1.img --alias haos on a raspberry pi and I’m getting Error: Unsupported compression

Image: https://github.com/home-assistant/operating-system/releases/download/6.1/haos_rpi4-64-6.1.img.xz

Contents of metadata.yaml:

architecture: aarch64
creation_date: 1626114299
  description: Home Assistant image
  os: Home Assistant OS

uname -m:

Operating System: Debian 10

Any idea why could this happen and how to fix this?