Access container files and folders for rsync backup

Hi there!
I am trying to achieve the following aim:
I have containers for webservices and want to backup the date inside these containers.
Within this containers there are folders connected to an external drive (nextcloud-data directory).
My idea was to mount specific www folder of the container and backup all the data to a backup drive (also the data linked to the external nextcould-data drive).
In rough words:

#mount directories to backup of the container
lxc file mount ""$CONTAINER""$CONTAINERPATH"" "$SRC" & pid=$!
#wait for mount to occur
sleep 5

And then perform the rsync backup:

rsync -aq "$SRC"/var/www "$BAKDIR""$(date +%Y-%m)"

and for completion:

kill $pid

The webservices folder has about 400GB. The first run of rsync took about 10h, but all the other backups are connected via --link-dest (hard link option for rsync).

Now my question is: Is this an efficient way of achieving my goal? Somehow the second runs of rysnc seems to be quite slow (I know it depends on the hardware and rsync is copying from different drives to the backup drive).
I know, that there are other ways to achieve the goal:
A. Backup only www folder excluding the nextcloud-data folder and rsyncing the nextcloud-data folder after that (directly from the external drive to backup drive) (Not via lxc mount…)
B. Perform a lxd/lxc backup of the whole container (–> was my old solution but it was to slow for me because there is no incremental backup possible (as far as I know), hence the webservices instance was down for about 1-1,5h per day)

Full script:


#Incremental backups with rsync; retention: last 7 days + every month one backup for one year; backups are hard linked to each other to safe space;
#Made with pinguin love and all the donkeys not to forget the gnus by Dr.Axelbauer

#Preparations (for you to fill out)
DST="/media/backup/webservices/backup/$(date +%Y-%m-%d)"
LSTMONTH="$(date -d "$(date  +%d) day ago" +%Y-%m)"
#Container Name to backup
#Path to backup within the container
#Days the backups should be retended
#Month the backups should be retended (in days)

#########Backup script starts here##########

#STARTTIME=$(date +%M)
STARTTIME=$(expr $(date +%H) \* 60 + $(date +%M))

echo "Date of Backup: $(date +'%m-%d-%Y %H:%M')"

#mount directories to backup of the container
lxc file mount ""$CONT""$CPATH"" "$SRC" & pid=$!
#wait for mount to occur
sleep 5

#set nextcloud into mainteance mode
lxc exec "$CONT" -- sudo --login --user ubuntu sudo -u www-data php /var/www/ maintenance:mode --on

# Run script as root within container (in that case backup all mysql databases to /var/www/backup/mysql/)
lxc exec "$CONT" -- sudo --login --user root /bin/bash /home/ubuntu/scripts/database_backup
echo "Databases successfully exported!"

#First Check if a backup exists if not create it in month format
if [ ! "$(find $BAKDIR -maxdepth 1 -type d -name "[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]")" ]; then
        mkdir -pv "$BAKDIR""$(date +%Y-%m)" && rsync -aq "$SRC" "$BAKDIR""$(date +%Y-%m)" && echo "Initial backup finished!"

#Check if there exists a backup of the current month, if not create one with link-dest to last month
if [ ! -d "$BAKDIR""$(date +%Y-%m)" ]; then
        mkdir -pv "$BAKDIR""$(date +%Y-%m)" && rsync -aq "--link-dest="$BAKDIR""$LSTMONTH"/" "$SRC" "$BAKDIR""$(date +%Y-%m)" && echo "Monthly backup finished!"

if [ -d "$BAKDIR""$(date +%Y-%m)" ]; then
	OPTS="--link-dest=$BAKDIR$(date +%Y-%m)/"

mkdir -pv "$DST" && rsync -aq "$OPTS" "$SRC" "$DST" && echo "Daily backup finished!"

#disable mainteance mode nextcloud
lxc exec "$CONT" -- sudo --login --user ubuntu sudo -u www-data php /var/www/ maintenance:mode --off

# Cleaning up backups older than x days
echo "Cleaning up old backups…"
find "$BAKDIR" -maxdepth 1 -type d -name '[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]' | xargs -I {} sh -c 'd={}; if [ "$(date -d "$RETD days ago" +%Y-%m-%d)" ">" "$(basename $d)" ]; then [ -d $d ] && rm -rf $d; fi'
# Cleaning up backups older than x days (in month)
find "$BAKDIR" -maxdepth 1 -type d -name '[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]' | xargs -I {} sh -c 'd={}; if [ "$(date -d "$RETM days ago" +%Y-%m)" ">" "$(basename $d)" ]; then [ -d $d ] && rm -rf $d; fi'

kill "$pid"

#ENDTIME=$(date +%M)
ENDTIME=$(expr $(date +%H) \* 60 + $(date +%M))

echo "Backup successful!"
echo "Backup duration: $(($ENDTIME - $STARTTIME)) minutes"
echo ""
} >> /var/log/backup_webservices.log