ARM Ampere compatibility with LXC/LXD

Is it possible to use a Ampere ultra 128 core server to run LXD on a Ubuntu 20.04 server. has anybody tried this already.

also wondering if I was to build a Ubuntu server with LXD and use it to host workstations for thins like Linux distributions and all sorts of usual desktop apps will it perform as well as if I used X86 CPU.


This forum has switched to Incus, which is a continuation of LXD.
The switch happened about a year ago.

There are several options. For your case, you might find X2Go as a good option. Prior discussion, How to run a containerized Desktop Environment in a Window? - #14 by simos

I suppose you will be using some baremetal server from a hosting provider with the Ampere hardware. You can test these out first, by getting a VPS that is based on the Ampere architecture. Hetzner has an inexpensive VPS that is based on the Ampere Altra,

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