Armv7l LXC images?

QQ: I could swear I successfully downloaded and ran an armv7l Ubuntu Jammy image for LXC on May 6, and now there are no armv7l images at all on I’m pretty sure I didn’t imagine this as I still have the config on my server w/ timestamps, but I’d like to try a different image. Any ideas or suggestions for where to find armv7l images?

armv7l is listed as armhf on the image server:
lxc image list images: arch=armhf

Thanks! Worked like a charm. I’m sure there’s a good reason for this. Fwiw my confusion was facilitated by the Luci interface under OpenWrt to install LXC containers, which somehow worked for armv7l and then stopped working. I can only assume something was doing an arch translation.


is that normal that images: return nothing for armhf ?

lxc image list images: arch=armhf

Where to find debian bullseye lxc images ??

Build of armv7l images has stopped after Canonical took LXD and associated resources back in-house.

There is a mailing-list thread currently ongoing about providing the hardware resources needed to get some of those armv7l images back up, so that may happen in the coming months.

For now, the hardware that we own supports building aarch64 but as it’s a newer ARM server, the silicon needed for 32bit support is no longer present and so we can’t currently build such images.


ok so i will debootstrap debian bullseye from my armhf host.

You can also run distrobuilder yourself for that architecture, it will generate a LXD/Incus image and can even import it for you.

GitHub - lxc/distrobuilder: System container image builder for LXC and LXD with the image definitions at GitHub - lxc/lxc-ci: LXC continuous integration and build scripts