Building LXC 2.0 from source on Ubuntu 18.04


I am trying to build LXC 2.0 on Ubuntu 18.04 and I am getting following error:-

  • test -d autom4te.cache
  • libtoolize
    libtoolize: putting auxiliary files in AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR, ‘config’.
    libtoolize: error: linking ‘/usr/share/libtool/build-aux/’ to ‘config/’ failed
    libtoolize: putting macros in ‘config’.
    libtoolize: error: linking ‘/usr/share/aclocal/libtool.m4’ to ‘config/’ failed
    libtoolize: error: linking ‘/usr/share/aclocal/ltoptions.m4’ to ‘config/’ failed
    libtoolize: error: linking ‘/usr/share/aclocal/ltsugar.m4’ to ‘config/’ failed
    libtoolize: error: linking ‘/usr/share/aclocal/ltversion.m4’ to ‘config/’ failed
    libtoolize: error: linking ‘/usr/share/aclocal/lt~obsolete.m4’ to ‘config/’ failed
    libtoolize: Consider adding ‘AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS([config])’ to,
    libtoolize: and rerunning libtoolize and aclocal.
  • exit 1

The automake version that I am using is : 1.15.1

The same source I am able to build successfully in Ubuntu 14.04 which is having automake version 1.14.1

Can some one please tell me what is the issue here?


Hi Souvik!

You need to install some prerequisite packages before compiling. Here is a working example with building LXC on a Ubuntu 18.04 LXD container, along with the required packages.

$ lxc launch ubuntu:18.04 mycontainer
$ lxc exec mycontainer -- sudo --user ubuntu --login
ubuntu@lxc:~$ git clone
ubuntu@lxc:~$ sudo apt install libtool m4 automake pkg-config
ubuntu@lxc:~$ cd lxc
ubuntu@lxc:~/lxc$ ./ && ./configure && make && sudo make install