Can't delete container

Need help deleting a container.
A while ago I decided to
lxc copy torrents ntorrents ,
it was taking ages because of the size of the torrents so I decided to interupt ctrl+c*3.
lxc list
shows that ntorrents has been created
Now I lxc delete ntorrents but it
Error: Cannot remove an instance volume that has snapshots

lxc info ntorrents

  nats-server_snapshot (taken at 2019/04/19 09:26 UTC) (stateless)
  nats-server-snap (taken at 2019/10/06 12:05 UTC) (stateless)
  torrents_snap (taken at 2020/02/16 07:23 UTC) (stateless)`

It seems there is a problem deleting the snapshots, here I need help

lxc delete ntorrents/nats-server_snapshot

Error: Failed to run: zfs get -H -p -r -o value clones lxd/containers/ntorrents@snapshot-nats-server_snapshot: cannot open 'lxd/containers/ntorrents@snapshot-nats-server_snapshot': dataset does not exist

Containers are stored on a zfs partition of a 2nd hdd

Thank you in advance for any help.

ctrl+c doesn’t interrupt much as the copy is handled server side by lxd. All you did is stop tracking what’s happening in the server.

Your best bet to fix this issue is to create the snapshots that are missing at the zfs layer.
For example: zfs snapshot lxd/containers/ntorrents@snapshot-nats-server_snapshot

Hi and thank you for your time,
I tried this but returned this error…

sudo zfs snapshot lxd/containers/ntorrents@snapshot-nats-server_snapshot
cannot open 'lxd/containers/ntorrents': dataset does not exist
	snapshot|snap [-r] [-o property=value] ... <filesystem|volume>@<snap> ...

For the property list, run: zfs set|get

For the delegated permission list, run: zfs allow|unallow

Ah, okay, so it could be that the container itself never made it.
Can you try zfs create lxd/containers/ntorrents see if that gets things unblocked.

That did the trick halfway, I created the zfs container and then created the snapshots but only one snapshot was able to be deleted, the rest it says that

blades@home-server:~$ sudo zfs snapshot lxd/containers/ntorrents@nats-server-snap
cannot create snapshot 'lxd/containers/ntorrents@nats-server-snap': dataset already exists
blades@home-server:~$ sudo zfs snapshot lxd/containers/ntorrents@torrents_snap
cannot create snapshot 'lxd/containers/ntorrents@torrents_snap': dataset already exists
blades@home-server:~$ lxc delete ntorrents/nats-server-snap
Error: Failed to run: zfs get -H -p -r -o value clones lxd/containers/ntorrents@snapshot-nats-server-snap: cannot open 'lxd/containers/ntorrents@snapshot-nats-server-snap': dataset does not exist
blades@home-server:~$ lxc delete ntorrents/torrents_snap
Error: Failed to run: zfs get -H -p -r -o value clones lxd/containers/ntorrents@snapshot-torrents_snap: cannot open 'lxd/containers/ntorrents@snapshot-torrents_snap': dataset does not exist

Notice that LXD expects snapshot-torrents_snap and not torrents_snap for example.

…and that killed the container…

Thank you so much for the support.