Can't Remove Node From Cluster


I’m trying to remove a node from the cluster but I can’t seem to get it to go.

I keep getting this error

Error: Error deleting image "ef5e9bfe1a9c1d5018b6560c39b0e21cf18048b73959d7d88c896ef64513e661" from storage pool "local": Get image "ef5e9bfe1a9c1d5018b6560c39b0e21cf18048b73959d7d88c896ef64513e661": Image not found

I went on the actual host and delete, or at least I think, all the images.

Thank you,

  • lxd sql global "SELECT * FROM nodes"
  • lxd sql global "SELECT * FROM images"
  • lxd sql global "SELECT * FROM images_nodes"

That should help get a clear picture of what’s going on.

Hey @stgraber… Here is the output all of those commands. I still don’t know whats going on :slight_smile:

lxd sql global "SELECT * FROM nodes"
| id |  name  | description |      address       | schema | api_extensions |           heartbeat            | state | arch | failure_domain_id |
| 1  | raijin |             | | 66     | 327            | 2022-11-12T17:05:27.469972361Z | 0     | 2    | <nil>             |
| 2  | anuke  |             | | 66     | 327            | 2022-11-12T17:05:24.068817493Z | 2     | 2    | <nil>             |
| 3  | nox    |             | | 66     | 327            | 2022-11-12T17:05:25.347869955Z | 0     | 2    | <nil>             |
| 4  | baku   |             | | 66     | 327            | 2022-11-12T17:05:26.395574589Z | 0     | 2    | <nil>             |
adrean@nox:~$ lxd sql global "SELECT * FROM images"
| id | fingerprint | filename | size | public | architecture | creation_date | expiry_date | upload_date | cached | last_use_date | auto_update | project_id | type |
adrean@nox:~$ lxd sql global "SELECT * FROM images_nodes"
| id | image_id | node_id |

What version of LXD is this?

Looks like you have an orphaned image volume on your storage pool.

What does lxc storage volume list <pool> and lxc storage show <pool> show?


lxd --version


lxc storage volume list local
|   TYPE    |                               NAME                               | DESCRIPTION | CONTENT-TYPE | USED BY | LOCATION |
| container | nds                                                              |             | filesystem   | 1       | nox      |
| container | pi-hole                                                          |             | filesystem   | 1       | raijin   |
| container | pi-hole2                                                         |             | filesystem   | 1       | baku     |
| container | tech-dns                                                         |             | filesystem   | 1       | baku     |
| image     | 990536288cd0ba179afdf99dfb68721e264a0a344ba2426bcba4a6da64895453 |             | filesystem   | 1       | baku     |


lxc storage show local
config: {}
description: ""
name: local
driver: zfs
- /1.0/images/990536288cd0ba179afdf99dfb68721e264a0a344ba2426bcba4a6da64895453?target=baku
- /1.0/instances/grafana?project=internal-services
- /1.0/instances/nds
- /1.0/instances/nzbget?project=media-services
- /1.0/instances/pi-hole
- /1.0/instances/pi-hole2
- /1.0/instances/plex?project=media-services
- /1.0/instances/prometheus?project=internal-services
- /1.0/instances/prowlarr?project=media-services
- /1.0/instances/radarr?project=media-services
- /1.0/instances/sonarr?project=media-services
- /1.0/instances/tech-dns
- /1.0/instances/uptime-kuma?project=internal-services
- /1.0/instances/vpn-server?project=external-services
- /1.0/profiles/default
- /1.0/storage-pools/local/volumes/image/2d673c8f8755651deaea70a6973335ba2d9239695d41878c1ffd1def30e8dceb?target=nox
- /1.0/storage-pools/local/volumes/image/6d15e60d2685df886f2030244070aa6f84d26739474f2f03eb2cf541e9424cc4?target=nox
- /1.0/storage-pools/local/volumes/image/dcdf86f2a6d848c6e46777835be6ea15f2950bc7905ca326687b52c99e2fb510?target=nox
- /1.0/storage-pools/local/volumes/image/ef5e9bfe1a9c1d5018b6560c39b0e21cf18048b73959d7d88c896ef64513e661?target=anuke
status: Created
- nox
- baku
- raijin
- anuke

Can you run lxc storage volume list local on cluster member anuke please.

It looks like you have a left over storage volume.

Can you also show sudo zfs list on anuke please.

I’ve created Storage: Update DeleteImage to not use GetImageFromAnyProject by tomponline · Pull Request #11118 · lxc/lxd · GitHub which should also work around such a problem in the future.

Here is the results of the command!

NAME                                                                            USED  AVAIL     REFER  MOUNTPOINT
local                                                                           210M  89.9G       24K  legacy
local/buckets                                                                    24K  89.9G       24K  legacy
local/containers                                                                 24K  89.9G       24K  legacy
local/custom                                                                     24K  89.9G       24K  legacy
local/deleted                                                                   144K  89.9G       24K  legacy
local/deleted/buckets                                                            24K  89.9G       24K  legacy
local/deleted/containers                                                         24K  89.9G       24K  legacy
local/deleted/custom                                                             24K  89.9G       24K  legacy
local/deleted/images                                                             24K  89.9G       24K  legacy
local/deleted/virtual-machines                                                   24K  89.9G       24K  legacy
local/images                                                                    186M  89.9G       24K  legacy
local/images/ef5e9bfe1a9c1d5018b6560c39b0e21cf18048b73959d7d88c896ef64513e661   186M  89.9G      186M  legacy
local/virtual-machines                                                           24K  89.9G       24K  legacy

Also see above:

So sorry! Missed that Here you are from anuke.

lxc storage volume list local
|   TYPE    |                               NAME                               | DESCRIPTION | CONTENT-TYPE | USED BY | LOCATION |
| container | nds                                                              |             | filesystem   | 1       | nox      |
| container | pi-hole                                                          |             | filesystem   | 1       | raijin   |
| container | pi-hole2                                                         |             | filesystem   | 1       | raijin   |
| container | tech-dns                                                         |             | filesystem   | 1       | baku     |
| image     | 990536288cd0ba179afdf99dfb68721e264a0a344ba2426bcba4a6da64895453 |             | filesystem   | 1       | baku     |

I might of jumped the gun but I delete the volume from zfs to clear anything else that I don’t think should be there.

However, now I try to remove the node and get…

lxc cluster rm anuke
Error: Peer not found
lxc cluster list
|  NAME  |            URL             |      ROLES       | ARCHITECTURE | FAILURE DOMAIN | DESCRIPTION | STATE  |      MESSAGE      |
| anuke  | | database-standby | x86_64       | default        |             | ONLINE | Fully operational |
| baku   | | database-leader  | x86_64       | default        |             | ONLINE | Fully operational |
|        |                            | database         |              |                |             |        |                   |
| nox    | | database         | x86_64       | default        |             | ONLINE | Fully operational |
| raijin | | database         | x86_64       | default        |             | ONLINE | Fully operational |

Nevermind! I restarted the lxd daemon and then got the same error as before.

Error: Error deleting image "ef5e9bfe1a9c1d5018b6560c39b0e21cf18048b73959d7d88c896ef64513e661" from storage pool "local": Get image "ef5e9bfe1a9c1d5018b6560c39b0e21cf18048b73959d7d88c896ef64513e661": Image not found

Try going “lxc storage volume remove local image/

And then try again.

Nope still giving me the same error

lxc storage volume list local
| container | nds      |             | filesystem   | 1       | nox      |
| container | pi-hole  |             | filesystem   | 1       | raijin   |
| container | pi-hole2 |             | filesystem   | 1       | raijin   |
| container | tech-dns |             | filesystem   | 1       | baku     |

Here is me trying to remove it from the cluster

lxc cluster rm anuke
Error: Error deleting image "ef5e9bfe1a9c1d5018b6560c39b0e21cf18048b73959d7d88c896ef64513e661" from storage pool "local": Get image "ef5e9bfe1a9c1d5018b6560c39b0e21cf18048b73959d7d88c896ef64513e661": Image not found

Can you show

lxc storage show local

again please

Also zfs list again

Here you go!

lxc storage show local
config: {}
description: ""
name: local
driver: zfs
- /1.0/instances/grafana?project=internal-services
- /1.0/instances/nds
- /1.0/instances/nzbget?project=media-services
- /1.0/instances/pi-hole
- /1.0/instances/pi-hole2
- /1.0/instances/plex?project=media-services
- /1.0/instances/prometheus?project=internal-services
- /1.0/instances/prowlarr?project=media-services
- /1.0/instances/radarr?project=media-services
- /1.0/instances/sonarr?project=media-services
- /1.0/instances/tech-dns
- /1.0/instances/uptime-kuma?project=internal-services
- /1.0/instances/vpn-server?project=external-services
- /1.0/profiles/default
- /1.0/storage-pools/local/volumes/image/2d673c8f8755651deaea70a6973335ba2d9239695d41878c1ffd1def30e8dceb?target=nox
- /1.0/storage-pools/local/volumes/image/6d15e60d2685df886f2030244070aa6f84d26739474f2f03eb2cf541e9424cc4?target=nox
- /1.0/storage-pools/local/volumes/image/dcdf86f2a6d848c6e46777835be6ea15f2950bc7905ca326687b52c99e2fb510?target=nox
- /1.0/storage-pools/local/volumes/image/ef5e9bfe1a9c1d5018b6560c39b0e21cf18048b73959d7d88c896ef64513e661?target=anuke
status: Created
- raijin
- anuke
- nox
- baku
NAME                             USED  AVAIL     REFER  MOUNTPOINT
local                           24.4M  90.1G       24K  legacy
local/buckets                     24K  90.1G       24K  legacy
local/containers                  24K  90.1G       24K  legacy
local/custom                      24K  90.1G       24K  legacy
local/deleted                    144K  90.1G       24K  legacy
local/deleted/buckets             24K  90.1G       24K  legacy
local/deleted/containers          24K  90.1G       24K  legacy
local/deleted/custom              24K  90.1G       24K  legacy
local/deleted/images              24K  90.1G       24K  legacy
local/deleted/virtual-machines    24K  90.1G       24K  legacy
local/images                      24K  90.1G       24K  legacy
local/virtual-machines            24K  90.1G       24K  legacy