Clarification on nftable firewall security

Hi there,

After having connection issues within a test container, I had a read through this page which greatly helped (I took influence from the ufw commands found in the “more advanced rules” box).

I have it working now, but I’m wondering…

Have I overlooked anything that might lead to a security issue?

Or in other words, do my comments match the reality of the commands?

# Allow *almost* any outbound traffic from the Incus interface/subnet
nft insert rule ip filter INPUT index 3 iif "incusbr0" ip saddr counter accept
# Allow DHCP outbound traffic when container does not yet have an IP address
nft insert rule ip filter INPUT index 3 iif "incusbr0" ip saddr ip daddr counter accept
# Similar to above commands in allowing any outbound traffic, but covering the forwarding-stage to the real interface
nft insert rule ip filter FORWARD index 0 iif "incusbr0" oif "ens3" ip saddr counter accept
# Allow inbound traffic to be forwarded *only* in the case it's a connection my container initiated
nft insert rule ip filter FORWARD index 0 ct state established,related iif "ens3" oif "incusbr0" counter accept

Thanks for any advice!

Looks fine to me. I would normally comment from the point of view of the system that’s running the firewall so rather than say allow any outbound from Incus, I’d say allow any inbound from Incus, which then better lines up with the table name, INPUT.

But that’s basically just comment semantics :slight_smile: