Container with root volume less than 10GiB impossible to create on Nixos with LVM

Disclaimer : I know that unofficial packages are not supported but a little help could help me and the packages maintainers narrow down the issue for NixOS (this issue doesn’t seem to affect debian 12 with zabbly repo)

I also link the NixOS discord thread for the full context and troubleshooting discussion

When I create a container (VM are not affected by this error) with a root volume which has a size less than 10 GiB, I get this error :

LVM is not able to resize image to a LVM size less than the base LVM size of the image (which is 10GiB)
This function work on debian 12

After disscusing with one of the package maintainer (adamcstephens), he couldn’t find where the nix package could have broken this.

This might be related.

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Yeah, it’s the same as the issue you linked to.
Could you file a bug at Issues · lxc/incus · GitHub?

Sure here it is :