Containers are not starting


getting below error while starting lxd and containers are not starting

root@monitor-2:~# WARN[09-02|17:52:16] Failed auto start instance attempt       instance=machines project=default attempt=3 maxAttempts=3 err="Failed preparing container for start: Failed to start device \"eth0\": Parent device \"lxdbr0\" doesn't exist"
EROR[09-02|17:52:16] Failed to auto start instance            instance=machines project=default err="Failed preparing container for start: Failed to start device \"eth0\": Parent device \"lxdbr0\" doesn't exist"```

I am using lxd 4.7 (compiled from source )

any idea about this ?

Are there any excuse why dont you use snap or package? Can you post lxc info output?

The error suggests you don’t have lxdbr0, can you show lxc network list and maybe look in lxd.log for errors regarding that network?

Can you show output of ip a and ip r on the host too please.

hello all
I recreated lxdbr0 and issue resolved
thank you al :slight_smile: