When I try to copy a vm having a custom volume I can’t figure out how to get this done if on the target server storage pool names differ: source: ssd1, destination: zpool1
For me this seems to be a chicken/egg problem:
incus copy node04:zulip zulip --mode pull --refresh --storage zpool1 --config boot.autostart=false --device zulip-swap,pool=zpool1 --device zulip-swap,source=zulip-swap
Error: Failed instance creation: Failed creating instance record: Failed initializing instance: Failed add validation for device "zulip-swap": Failed loading custom volume: Storage volume not found
so I copied the volume zulip-swap first and then tried again but now I get:
zulip zulip --mode pull --refresh --device zulip-swap,pool=zpool1 --device zulip-swap,source=zulip-swap
Error: Failed migration on source: Error from migration control target: Failed creating instance on target: Cannot create volume, already exists on migration target storage
Maybe I have to overwrite config instead of storage?
How could I overwrite config device zulip-swap to use pool=zpool1?