Debian 12 or Debian 12 cloud image?

If I am seeking to build a website in a Linux Container and upload it on a cloud service. Or at least that’s the plan. Would It be better if I used the debian/12/cloud image or a debian/12 image. I don’t fully understand what the difference is. Perhaps someone could point to an informative website where I can read up on what the difference between the two are. I’m selecting Debian as that is the system that I am developing on; and used for several years.

The cloud image variant has cloud-init installed so you can feed it cloud-init YAML data.

If you don’t intend to use cloud-init to provision stuff in your instance on first boot, then use the default variant instead.

The cloud image variant has cloud-init installed so you can feed it cloud-init YAML data.

I’m not sure what that is. I’m learning tons of stuff about websites, containers and the cloud as I go. Is there a website where I can read about this?

Thanks :smiley:

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