Docker OCI Incus port mapping fails

@stgraber What does this error mean and how can I correct it?

 scott  demo-1  ~  incus launch docker:jgraph/drawio Draw-3

 scott  demo-1  ~  incus profile create proxy-8080
Profile proxy-8080 created

 scott  demo-1  ~  incus profile device add proxy-8080 hostport8080 proxy connect="tcp:" listen="tcp:"
Device hostport8080 added to proxy-8080

 scott  demo-1  ~  incus profile add Draw-3 proxy-8080
Error: Failed to start device "hostport8080": Error occurred when starting proxy device: Error: Permission denied - Failed setns to connector network namespace

No idea, I’ve had no luck reproducing this error here so far.
Maybe look at dmesg for any DENIED entries?

Apparmor in Ubuntu 24.04’s stock kernel is really weird and broken in a few ways…

I just discovered that


fixed this. Does that explain anything?

Not really and that’s likely a very bad idea :slight_smile:

Though privileged fixing it may make it more likely to be a subtle apparmor issue on Ubuntu.

Yes, I am aware. Not what I wanted to do.

If I have two OCI containers running on the default incus NAT, how would I get say a sql container to talk to an app? Is it like docker where the container names themselves allows for the connection?

NAME.incus should work fine

I am not sure that I understand. Can you give me an example? If I have a docker compose file with an app container and a sql container I might have a depends_on directive. Is NAME.incus a -c switch for the container?

We don’t have dependencies but we have working DNS.

stgraber@dakara:~$ incus launch images:ubuntu/24.04 c1
Launching c1
stgraber@dakara:~$ incus launch images:ubuntu/24.04 c2
Launching c2
stgraber@dakara:~$ incus exec c2 bash
root@c2:~# ping c1.incus -c1
PING c1.incus (2602:fc62:c:250:216:3eff:fe7e:3ab8) 56 data bytes
64 bytes from c1.incus (2602:fc62:c:250:216:3eff:fe7e:3ab8): icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.084 ms

--- c1.incus ping statistics ---
1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.084/0.084/0.084/0.000 ms