" Error: open /dev/.incus-mounts: permission denied "
when I try running podman inside a rockylinux9 container. And I get the same error message when I follow the same steps on ubuntu24.04 container as well.
Overall steps:
Install podman and buildah inside the rockylinux container
Use buildah to build the podman image passing a Dockerfile (I know! but yes - it is supported , though I don’t need to install docker)
run podman with the newly built image
Here are the details:
step 1: build a ‘base’ image enabling systemd
step 2: build a second podman image based on the above ‘base’ image, with installing ‘htttpd’ in it
The goal is to build.a podman container running a httpd server, baked with all the required contents in it.
Building of both the podman images using buildah were successful
# podman images
localhost/assets latest dc9440eeaacb 24 minutes ago 611 MB
localhost/common-base latest fd05dc7f601d 13 hours ago 444 MB
docker.io/rockylinux/rockylinux 9 bb8a97547d22 2 months ago 241 MB
But when I try to run it, I get the above error message and the status of the podman is stuck at “Created”. nothing else happens.
# podman ps -a
2633be2806b1 localhost/assets:latest /usr/sbin/init 5 minutes ago Created 80/tcp assets
And I cannot get inside the podman container either
# podman exec -ti assets /bin/bash
Error: can only create exec sessions on running containers: container state improper
Did some ‘perplexity’ search and there were suggestions to use options namely –userns=keep-id and/or –security-opt apparmor=unconfined passing them as parameter to podman but no luck
Any suggestions are appreciated (though I am not sure how many out there use podman within incus). Thanks in advance .
I use ‘incus webui’. I am running the rockylinux incus container (that runs the podman container) inside a Project. Since I set the container nesting on the project level, I believe it will be propagated to all the containers within that project. And I do see that seems to be the case (rl-assets is the name of my rockylinux incus container)
# incus config get rl-assets security.nesting
But when I try to set security.syscalls.intercept.mknod and security.syscalls.intercept.setxattr on the same rockylinux incus container, I am getting the following messages.
# incus config set rl-assets security.syscalls.intercept.mknod=true
Error: Failed checking if instance update allowed: Invalid value "true" for config "security.syscalls.intercept.mknod" on container "rl-assets" of project "handson-lab-1": Container syscall interception is forbidden
# incus config set rl-assets security.syscalls.intercept.setxattr=true
Error: Failed checking if instance update allowed: Invalid value "true" for config "security.syscalls.intercept.setxattr" on container "rl-assets" of project "handson-lab-1": Container syscall interception is forbidden
Remember reading the documentation that you need to set all the required properties to the Project first before running any incus containers/vms inside it. Guess I am running into that issue. Not sure.
I will re-do the exercise creating a new project, set all the security and nesting properties and see how it goes. And I will share my observations. But please let me know if you believe I am going in the wrong direction Thanks again!
My reading is: project setting restricted.containers.nesting=allow will allow you to set security.nesting=true on a container within the project, not that it will be set.
I could be wrong of course, it’s just how I read it, but that’s what POLS implies to me.
But since later you said you’ve set security.nesting=true on the container, that’s not likely to be the problem.