Error: /proc must be mounted on running free -m

i have more than 50 containers on a hostnode and almost all of them returning “Error: /proc must be mounted” error when I run free -m ,top, htop command. Restarting the container fix the issue.
LXD version =
server_version: “4.9”
storage: zfs
storage_version: 0.7.12-2+deb10u2

I suspect the lxcfs service was stopped for some reason.

@tomp ps fauxww | grep lxcfs output is given below.
root 2544 0.0 0.0 150680 0 ? Ssl Feb09 0:00 /usr/bin/lxcfs /var/lib/lxcfs/
root 26988 0.0 0.0 4836 836 pts/3 S+ 11:28 0:00 | _ grep lxcfs
root 3509 0.0 0.0 828052 4536 ? Sl Feb09 0:58 lxcfs /var/snap/lxd/common/var/lib/lxcfs -p /var/snap/lxd/common/

Once lxcfs is restarted, any previously started containers will need to be restarted as their link to lxcfs will be severed.

how to avoid lxcfs from crashing or stopping ???.

@brauner is there a way to “reconnect” a running container to the lxcfs mounts after it has died/restarted?

No, only option is to unmount the lxcfs mounts if you want the container to keep working, then restart the container when convenient.

@tomp so the only best possible way to fix it is rebooting container at suitable time due to technical reasons, but is there a way to avoid it ??? since my automation and monitoring scripts depend upon free -m and top commands etc.

Look for a crash message from LXCFS in journalctl -u snap.lxd.daemon, if you find one, then maybe we can figure out what the bug is.

– Logs begin at Tue 2021-02-23 19:07:01 UTC, end at Thu 2021-03-04 15:01:56 UTC. –
Feb 24 00:04:30 lxd.daemon[3210]: 2021/02/24 00:04:30 http: TLS handshake error from :36806: tls: client offered only unsuppor
Feb 24 00:04:41 lxd.daemon[3210]: 2021/02/24 00:04:41 http: TLS handshake error from :34726: tls: no cipher suite supported by
Feb 24 00:05:08 lxd.daemon[3210]: 2021/02/24 00:05:08 http: TLS handshake error from :33268: EOF
Feb 24 00:05:09 lxd.daemon[3210]: 2021/02/24 00:05:09 http: TLS handshake error from :39642: EOF
Feb 24 00:05:09 lxd.daemon[3210]: 2021/02/24 00:05:09 http: TLS handshake error from :45788: EOF
Feb 24 00:05:09 lxd.daemon[3210]: 2021/02/24 00:05:09 http: TLS handshake error from :52052: tls: no cipher suite supported by
Feb 24 00:05:10 lxd.daemon[3210]: 2021/02/24 00:05:10 http: TLS handshake error from :52298: EOF
Feb 24 00:05:10 lxd.daemon[3210]: 2021/02/24 00:05:10 http: TLS handshake error from :57826: tls: client offered only unsuppor
Feb 24 00:05:10 lxd.daemon[3210]: 2021/02/24 00:05:10 http: TLS handshake error from :58044: EOF
Feb 24 00:05:11 lxd.daemon[3210]: 2021/02/24 00:05:11 http: TLS handshake error from :34324: EOF
Feb 24 00:05:11 lxd.daemon[3210]: 2021/02/24 00:05:11 http: TLS handshake error from :38072: EOF
Feb 24 00:05:12 lxd.daemon[3210]: 2021/02/24 00:05:12 http: TLS handshake error from :41056: EOF
Feb 24 00:45:27 lxd.daemon[3210]: 2021/02/24 00:45:27 http: TLS handshake error from :48734: read tcp>162.142.
Feb 24 02:45:16 lxd.daemon[3210]: 2021/02/24 02:45:16 http: TLS handshake error from :61000: tls: client offered only unsuppor
Feb 24 03:38:30 lxd.daemon[3210]: 2021/02/24 03:38:30 http: TLS handshake error from :44640: EOF
Feb 24 03:38:31 lxd.daemon[3210]: 2021/02/24 03:38:31 http: TLS handshake error from :46712: EOF
Feb 24 03:38:31 lxd.daemon[3210]: 2021/02/24 03:38:31 http: TLS handshake error from :48619: EOF
Feb 24 03:38:31 lxd.daemon[3210]: 2021/02/24 03:38:31 http: TLS handshake error from :50250: tls: no cipher suite supported by b
Feb 24 03:38:32 lxd.daemon[3210]: 2021/02/24 03:38:32 http: TLS handshake error from :52120: EOF
Feb 24 03:38:32 lxd.daemon[3210]: 2021/02/24 03:38:32 http: TLS handshake error from :21772: tls: client offered only unsuppor
Feb 24 03:38:33 lxd.daemon[3210]: 2021/02/24 03:38:33 http: TLS handshake error from :5070: EOF
Feb 24 03:38:33 lxd.daemon[3210]: 2021/02/24 03:38:33 http: TLS handshake error from :33006: EOF
Feb 24 03:38:34 lxd.daemon[3210]: 2021/02/24 03:38:34 http: TLS handshake error from :29056: EOF
Feb 24 03:38:34 lxd.daemon[3210]: 2021/02/24 03:38:34 http: TLS handshake error from :27434: EOF
Feb 24 08:00:09 lxd.daemon[3210]: t=2021-02-24T08:00:09+0000 lvl=warn msg=“Detected poll(POLLNVAL) event.”
Feb 24 08:00:10 lxd.daemon[3210]: t=2021-02-24T08:00:10+0000 lvl=warn msg=“Detected poll(POLLNVAL) event.”
Feb 24 08:00:10 lxd.daemon[3210]: t=2021-02-24T08:00:10+0000 lvl=warn msg=“Detected poll(POLLNVAL) event.”
Feb 24 08:00:11 lxd.daemon[3210]: t=2021-02-24T08:00:11+0000 lvl=warn msg=“Detected poll(POLLNVAL) event.”
Feb 24 08:00:11 lxd.daemon[3210]: t=2021-02-24T08:00:11+0000 lvl=warn msg=“Detected poll(POLLNVAL) event.”
Feb 24 08:00:12 lxd.daemon[3210]: t=2021-02-24T08:00:12+0000 lvl=warn msg=“Detected poll(POLLNVAL) event.”
Feb 24 08:00:12 lxd.daemon[3210]: t=2021-02-24T08:00:12+0000 lvl=warn msg=“Detected poll(POLLNVAL) event.”
Feb 24 08:00:13 lxd.daemon[3210]: t=2021-02-24T08:00:13+0000 lvl=warn msg=“Detected poll(POLLNVAL) event.”
Feb 24 08:00:13 lxd.daemon[3210]: t=2021-02-24T08:00:13+0000 lvl=warn msg=“Detected poll(POLLNVAL) event.”
Feb 24 08:00:14 lxd.daemon[3210]: t=2021-02-24T08:00:14+0000 lvl=warn msg=“Detected poll(POLLNVAL) event.”
Feb 24 08:00:15 lxd.daemon[3210]: t=2021-02-24T08:00:15+0000 lvl=warn msg=“Detected poll(POLLNVAL) event.”
Feb 24 08:00:16 lxd.daemon[3210]: t=2021-02-24T08:00:16+0000 lvl=warn msg=“Detected poll(POLLNVAL) event.”
Feb 24 08:00:16 lxd.daemon[3210]: t=2021-02-24T08:00:16+0000 lvl=warn msg=“Detected poll(POLLNVAL) event.”
Feb 24 08:00:17 lxd.daemon[3210]: t=2021-02-24T08:00:17+0000 lvl=warn msg=“Detected poll(POLLNVAL) event.”
Feb 24 08:00:17 lxd.daemon[3210]: t=2021-02-24T08:00:17+0000 lvl=warn msg=“Detected poll(POLLNVAL) event.”
Feb 24 08:00:18 lxd.daemon[3210]: t=2021-02-24T08:00:18+0000 lvl=warn msg=“Detected poll(POLLNVAL) event.”
Feb 24 08:00:18 lxd.daemon[3210]: t=2021-02-24T08:00:18+0000 lvl=warn msg=“Detected poll(POLLNVAL) event.”
no crash message in the command you provided.

yeah, no LXCFS crash in there

Not really, the fuse connection is broken so this would require a
container restart unfortunately.
Simply unmount all lxcfs mounts in the container will get back into
working (albeit without proc-based value virtualization) state.


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