Error: Unable to read the configuration file: open /home/ubuntu/.config/lxc/config.yml: permission denied

Hello to everyone.
I am connected from my laptop to my Raspberry Pi 4 B with ssh.
My RPi has Ubuntu 18.04.
I have install lxd fron snap.

I have a python script which does :

            command = 'sudo lxc file push' + ' ' + svcname +'/root/' #
			p = os.system('echo %s|sudo -S %s' % (sudoPassword, command)) # Push to the container the .py file which install the libraries
			command = 'sudo lxc file push ' + svcname + '.py' + ' ' +svcname + '/root/'
			p = os.system('echo %s|sudo -S %s' % (sudoPassword, command)) # Push to the container the Service class
			print("=== Push files to the container ok. Ready to start downloading libraries ===")
		# Install the libraries for the Service and for the communucation with the service

Files are pushed to the container.
When the code reaches the apt update and it is going to execute to the container i receive this error.

    === Push files to the container ok. Ready to start downloading libraries ===

    Error: Unable to read the configuration file: open /home/ubuntu/.config/lxc/config.yml: permission denied
    Error: Unable to read the configuration file: open /home/ubuntu/.config/lxc/config.yml: permission denied
    Error: Unable to read the configuration file: open /home/ubuntu/.config/lxc/config.yml: permission denied
    Error: Unable to read the configuration file: open /home/ubuntu/.config/lxc/config.yml: permission denied

The same code on my laptop runs perfectly. Updates and upgrades to the container are done perfectly. Also pip3 is installed properly.

I have type my sudo password so i can’t understand why it says permission denied.

Thanks in advance for the help.

I run the script natively using a keyboard connected to the rpi because i t was thinking that maybe ssh causes this problem , but no unfortunately

Any help ?

I found the solution.

Through my python script i have performed the lxc command with sudo.
The list with the commands which has name commandsToSvcContainer= [ ]
starts with lxc and not with sudo. I should put sudo first and works fine !!!

Got help from here