Error: You don't have the needed permissions to talk to the incus daemon (socket path: /var/lib/incus/unix.socket)

Hi everyone,
I have meet an interesting error and have no idea to solve it. Here is the steps I have done, I have installed the incus on to the Fedora 40 system and add the user to the init-admin group and make some changes on the /etc/subuid and subgid files and lastly incus admin init executed without any hedge. When I open up a gnome terminal, incus ls command replied the following error.
Error: You don’t have the needed permissions to talk to the incus daemon (socket path: /var/lib/incus/unix.socket)
But after executing the newgrp incus-admin command I can completely work with incus.

That’s normal, newgrp only affects your current terminal, if you want all your terminals to work properly, you’ll need to fully logout/login (note that logind may keep your session active even after a logout).

Thanks Stephane for the declaration.

Take into account that newgrp it really opens a new CLI session from current one; this is the cause of new groups being applied because it’s the same result as doing a new login.

Yep, but the main point is in here that logind keep my session active even after a logout as Stephane stated that, but thanks for the information.