Failed loading storage pool: No such object

Hi All,

5x small servers, Ubuntu 20.04, LXC/LXD 4.0.6, JUJU for Charmed Kubernetes (k8s).

I had some success with a standalone non-clustered installation of lxd with charmed k8s.

Then attempted a clustered installation of lxd with charmed k8s, however, are unable to complete the k8s deployment due to problems with the lxd storage pool.

I think the problem has arisen from settings entered during lxd init.

Receiving the error message below?

Failed creating instance record: Failed initialising instance: Failed loading storage pool: No such object

Have posted further information below.

Appreciate any help.


Did you run sudo lxd init on each so that it creates a default profile that uses the desired storage pool?

Yes, ran each lxd init on each node to create a default profile.

Have spent a few hours reviewing lxc profiles, still unsure about the clustered storage pool configuration, this seems to be the problem for deployment of k8s.

Default profiles, storage pools and juju status posted below for non-clustered and clustered deployments.

Noticing a difference between defaut and local, storage pools?

Non-clustered lxd, juju charmed k8s


$ lxc profile show default
config: {}
description: Default LXD profile
    name: eth0
    network: lxdbr0
    type: nic
    path: /
    pool: default
    type: disk
name: default
- /1.0/instances/juju-72bfc4-0
- /1.0/instances/juju-760a74-0
- /1.0/instances/juju-760a74-1
- /1.0/instances/juju-760a74-2
- /1.0/instances/juju-760a74-4
- /1.0/instances/juju-760a74-3
- /1.0/instances/juju-760a74-8
- /1.0/instances/juju-760a74-7
- /1.0/instances/juju-760a74-6
- /1.0/instances/juju-760a74-9
- /1.0/instances/juju-760a74-5

storage pool

$ lxc storage show default
  source: /var/snap/lxd/common/lxd/storage-pools/default
description: ""
name: default
driver: dir
- /1.0/instances/juju-72bfc4-0
- /1.0/instances/juju-760a74-0
- /1.0/instances/juju-760a74-1
- /1.0/instances/juju-760a74-2
- /1.0/instances/juju-760a74-3
- /1.0/instances/juju-760a74-4
- /1.0/instances/juju-760a74-5
- /1.0/instances/juju-760a74-6
- /1.0/instances/juju-760a74-7
- /1.0/instances/juju-760a74-8
- /1.0/instances/juju-760a74-9
- /1.0/profiles/default
status: Created
- none


$ juju status
Model  Controller           Cloud/Region         Version  SLA          Timestamp
k8s    localhost-localhost  localhost/localhost  2.9.0    unsupported  14:12:00+12:00

App                    Version  Status   Scale  Charm                  Store       Channel  Rev  OS      Message
containerd             1.3.3    active       5  containerd             charmstore  stable   105  ubuntu  Container runtime available
easyrsa                3.0.1    active       1  easyrsa                charmstore  stable   359  ubuntu  Certificate Authority connected.
etcd                   3.4.5    active       3  etcd                   charmstore  stable   569  ubuntu  Healthy with 3 known peers
flannel                0.11.0   active       5  flannel                charmstore  stable   533  ubuntu  Flannel subnet
kubeapi-load-balancer  1.18.0   active       1  kubeapi-load-balancer  charmstore  stable   772  ubuntu  Loadbalancer ready.
kubernetes-master      1.21.0   waiting      2  kubernetes-master      charmstore  stable   974  ubuntu  Waiting for 3 kube-system pods to start
kubernetes-worker      1.21.0   active       3  kubernetes-worker      charmstore  stable   743  ubuntu  Kubernetes worker running.

Unit                      Workload  Agent  Machine  Public address  Ports           Message
easyrsa/0*                active    idle   0                     Certificate Authority connected.
etcd/0*                   active    idle   1     2379/tcp        Healthy with 3 known peers
etcd/1                    active    idle   2     2379/tcp        Healthy with 3 known peers
etcd/2                    active    idle   3     2379/tcp        Healthy with 3 known peers
kubeapi-load-balancer/0*  active    idle   4     443/tcp         Loadbalancer ready.
kubernetes-master/0       waiting   idle   5     6443/tcp        Waiting for 3 kube-system pods to start
  containerd/3            active    idle                       Container runtime available
  flannel/3               active    idle                       Flannel subnet
kubernetes-master/1*      waiting   idle   6       6443/tcp        Waiting for 3 kube-system pods to start
  containerd/4            active    idle                         Container runtime available
  flannel/4               active    idle                         Flannel subnet
kubernetes-worker/0       active    idle   7      80/tcp,443/tcp  Kubernetes worker running.
  containerd/2            active    idle                        Container runtime available
  flannel/2               active    idle                        Flannel subnet
kubernetes-worker/1       active    idle   8     80/tcp,443/tcp  Kubernetes worker running.
  containerd/0*           active    idle                       Container runtime available
  flannel/0*              active    idle                       Flannel subnet
kubernetes-worker/2*      active    idle   9     80/tcp,443/tcp  Kubernetes worker running.
  containerd/1            active    idle                       Container runtime available
  flannel/1               active    idle                       Flannel subnet

Machine  State    DNS          Inst id        Series  AZ  Message
0        started  juju-760a74-0  focal       Running
1        started  juju-760a74-1  focal       Running
2        started  juju-760a74-2  focal       Running
3        started  juju-760a74-3  focal       Running
4        started  juju-760a74-4  focal       Running
5        started  juju-760a74-5  focal       Running
6        started    juju-760a74-6  focal       Running
7        started   juju-760a74-7  focal       Running
8        started  juju-760a74-8  focal       Running
9        started  juju-760a74-9  focal       Running

Clustered lxd, juju charmed k8s


$ lxc cluster list
|  NAME   |            URL             | DATABASE | STATE  |      MESSAGE      | ARCHITECTURE |
| hal-126 | https://192.168.n.nnn:8443 | YES      | ONLINE | Fully operational | x86_64       |
| hal-127 | https://192.168.n.nnn:8443 | YES      | ONLINE | Fully operational | x86_64       |
| hal-128 | https://192.168.n.nnn:8443 | YES      | ONLINE | Fully operational | x86_64       |


$ lxc profile show default
config: {}
description: Default LXD profile
    name: eth0
    network: lxdfan0
    type: nic
    path: /
    pool: local
    type: disk
name: default
- /1.0/instances/juju-0a3132-0

storage pool

$ lxc storage show local
config: {}
description: ""
name: local
driver: dir
- /1.0/instances/juju-0a3132-0
- /1.0/profiles/default
- /1.0/profiles/hal-ubuntu-18-04
status: Created
- hal-126
- hal-127
- hal-128


$ juju status
Model  Controller           Cloud/Region         Version  SLA          Timestamp
k8s    localhost-localhost  localhost/localhost  2.9.0    unsupported  14:21:34+12:00

App                    Version  Status   Scale  Charm                  Store       Channel  Rev  OS      Message
containerd                      unknown      0  containerd             charmstore  stable   119  ubuntu
easyrsa                         waiting    0/1  easyrsa                charmstore  stable   373  ubuntu  waiting for machine
etcd                            waiting    0/3  etcd                   charmstore  stable   583  ubuntu  waiting for machine
flannel                         unknown      0  flannel                charmstore  stable   547  ubuntu
kubeapi-load-balancer           waiting    0/1  kubeapi-load-balancer  charmstore  stable   786  ubuntu  waiting for machine
kubernetes-master               waiting    0/2  kubernetes-master      charmstore  stable   990  ubuntu  waiting for machine
kubernetes-worker               waiting    0/3  kubernetes-worker      charmstore  stable   757  ubuntu  waiting for machine

Unit                     Workload  Agent       Machine  Public address  Ports  Message
easyrsa/0                waiting   allocating  0                               waiting for machine
etcd/0                   waiting   allocating  1                               waiting for machine
etcd/1                   waiting   allocating  2                               waiting for machine
etcd/2                   waiting   allocating  3                               waiting for machine
kubeapi-load-balancer/0  waiting   allocating  4                               waiting for machine
kubernetes-master/0      waiting   allocating  5                               waiting for machine
kubernetes-master/1      waiting   allocating  6                               waiting for machine
kubernetes-worker/0      waiting   allocating  7                               waiting for machine
kubernetes-worker/1      waiting   allocating  8                               waiting for machine
kubernetes-worker/2      waiting   allocating  9                               waiting for machine

Machine  State  DNS  Inst id  Series  AZ  Message
0        down        pending  focal       Failed creating instance record: Failed initialising instance: Failed loading storage pool: No such object
1        down        pending  focal       Failed creating instance record: Failed initialising instance: Failed loading storage pool: No such object
2        down        pending  focal       Failed creating instance record: Failed initialising instance: Failed loading storage pool: No such object
3        down        pending  focal       Failed creating instance record: Failed initialising instance: Failed loading storage pool: No such object
4        down        pending  focal       Failed creating instance record: Failed initialising instance: Failed loading storage pool: No such object
5        down        pending  focal       Failed creating instance record: Failed initialising instance: Failed loading storage pool: No such object
6        down        pending  focal       Failed creating instance record: Failed initialising instance: Failed loading storage pool: No such object
7        down        pending  focal       Failed creating instance record: Failed initialising instance: Failed loading storage pool: No such object
8        down        pending  focal       Failed creating instance record: Failed initialising instance: Failed loading storage pool: No such object
9        down        pending  focal       Failed creating instance record: Failed initialising instance: Failed loading storage pool: No such object

What happens if you run:

lxc init images:ubuntu/focal c1

Also, are you using projects by any chance?

Tested a few commands as suggested, not running lxd projects.

$ lxc init images:ubuntu/focal c1
Creating c1

$ lxc init images:ubuntu/focal c2
Creating c2

$ lxc list
|     NAME      |  STATE  |         IPV4         | IPV6 |   TYPE    | SNAPSHOTS | LOCATION |
| c1            | STOPPED |                      |      | CONTAINER | 0         | hal-127  |
| c2            | STOPPED |                      |      | CONTAINER | 0         | hal-128  |
| juju-4d0137-0 | RUNNING | (eth0) |      | CONTAINER | 0         | hal-126  |

started containers

$ lxc start c1
$ lxc start c2
$ lxc launch ubuntu:20.04 c3
Creating c3
Starting c3

$ lxc list
|     NAME      |  STATE  |         IPV4         | IPV6 |   TYPE    | SNAPSHOTS | LOCATION |
| c1            | RUNNING | (eth0)  |      | CONTAINER | 0         | hal-127  |
| c2            | RUNNING | (eth0)  |      | CONTAINER | 0         | hal-128  |
| c3            | RUNNING | (eth0) |      | CONTAINER | 0         | hal-126  |
| juju-4d0137-0 | RUNNING | (eth0) |      | CONTAINER | 0         | hal-126  |

Working through the clustering documentation, it looked like was missing a couple of steps on storage pool and voume creation, tested these steps but did not seem to help:

$ lxc storage create --target hal-126 data dir source=/data/lxd
Storage pool data pending on member hal-126
$ lxc storage create --target hal-127 data dir source=/data/lxd
Storage pool data pending on member hal-127
$ lxc storage create --target hal-128 data dir source=/data/lxd
Storage pool data pending on member hal-128

$ lxc storage volume create data lxdvol --target hal-126
$ lxc storage volume create data lxdvol --target hal-127
$ lxc storage volume create data lxdvol --target hal-128

$ lxc storage volume show data lxdvol --target hal-126
config: {}
description: ""
name: lxdvol
type: custom
used_by: []
location: hal-126
content_type: filesystem

$ lxc storage volume show data lxdvol --target hal-127
config: {}
description: ""
name: lxdvol
type: custom
used_by: []
location: hal-127
content_type: filesystem

$ lxc storage volume show data lxdvol --target hal-128
config: {}
description: ""
name: lxdvol
type: custom
used_by: []
location: hal-128
content_type: filesystem

updated default profile storage pool

$ lxc profile show default

config: {}
description: Default LXD profile
    name: eth0
    network: lxdfan0
    type: nic
    path: /
    pool: data
    type: disk
name: default
- /1.0/instances/juju-4d0137-0
- /1.0/instances/c1
- /1.0/instances/c2
- /1.0/instances/c3

not sure how to verify the new storage pool and volumes are working correctly within the containers, have set dir paths to custom directory

This doesn’t look quite right:

After you have done:

lxc storage create --target hal-126 data dir source=/data/lxd
lxc storage create --target hal-127 data dir source=/data/lxd
lxc storage create --target hal-128 data dir source=/data/lxd

This creates a pending storage pool on each member, you then need to do run:

lxc storage create data dir

on any member, to finalise the creation.

Its interesting that you’ve been able to create a storage volume on a pending pool, that doesn’t seem like it should work (it might be a bug).

Can you show me the output of:

lxc storage ls

Appreciate the help.

storage pool state:

$ lxc storage ls
| data  |             | dir    | CREATED | 6       |
| local |             | dir    | CREATED | 1       |

cluster state:

$ lxc list
|     NAME      |  STATE  |         IPV4         | IPV6 |   TYPE    | SNAPSHOTS | LOCATION |
| c1            | RUNNING | (eth0)  |      | CONTAINER | 0         | hal-127  |
| c2            | RUNNING | (eth0)  |      | CONTAINER | 0         | hal-128  |
| c3            | RUNNING | (eth0) |      | CONTAINER | 0         | hal-126  |
| juju-4d0137-0 | RUNNING | (eth0) |      | CONTAINER | 0         | hal-126  |

Great, so if I’m reading this correctly, you have a storage pool created successfully, you have a profile that references it, and you can create and launch instances using it.

Remind me what the problem is again? :slight_smile:


when using the juju to deploy k8s on the lxd cluster, juju does not deploy and reports:

Failed creating instance record: Failed initialising instance: Failed loading storage pool: No such object

when using the juju controller to deploy k8s on a non-clustered lxd node , juju deploys k8s without problem

OK, so I don’t know anything about juju.

Is it possible for you to show me the commands it is using to deploy so we can see where its going wrong?

It looks like its specifying the wrong storage pool.

Post lxd

$ sudo snap install juju --classic
$ juju bootstrap localhost
$ juju add-model k8s
$ juju deploy charmed-kubernetes
$ watch -c juju status --color

Every 2.0s: juju status --color                                                                                                           hal-126: Wed May 12 20:50:02 2021

Model  Controller           Cloud/Region         Version  SLA          Timestamp
k8s    localhost-localhost  localhost/localhost  2.9.0    unsupported  20:50:02+12:00

App                    Version  Status   Scale  Charm                  Store       Channel  Rev  OS      Message
containerd                      unknown      0  containerd             charmstore  stable   119  ubuntu
easyrsa                         waiting    0/1  easyrsa                charmstore  stable   373  ubuntu  waiting for machine
etcd                            waiting    0/3  etcd                   charmstore  stable   583  ubuntu  waiting for machine
flannel                         unknown      0  flannel                charmstore  stable   547  ubuntu
kubeapi-load-balancer           waiting    0/1  kubeapi-load-balancer  charmstore  stable   786  ubuntu  waiting for machine
kubernetes-master               waiting    0/2  kubernetes-master      charmstore  stable   990  ubuntu  waiting for machine
kubernetes-worker               waiting    0/3  kubernetes-worker      charmstore  stable   757  ubuntu  waiting for machine

Unit                     Workload  Agent       Machine  Public address  Ports  Message
easyrsa/0                waiting   allocating  0                               waiting for machine
etcd/0                   waiting   allocating  1                               waiting for machine
etcd/1                   waiting   allocating  2                               waiting for machine
etcd/2                   waiting   allocating  3                               waiting for machine
kubeapi-load-balancer/0  waiting   allocating  4                               waiting for machine
kubernetes-master/0      waiting   allocating  5                               waiting for machine
kubernetes-master/1      waiting   allocating  6                               waiting for machine
kubernetes-worker/0      waiting   allocating  7                               waiting for machine
kubernetes-worker/1      waiting   allocating  8                               waiting for machine
kubernetes-worker/2      waiting   allocating  9                               waiting for machine

Machine  State  DNS  Inst id  Series  AZ  Message
0        down        pending  focal       Failed creating instance record: Failed initialising instance: Failed loading storage pool: No such object
1        down        pending  focal       Failed creating instance record: Failed initialising instance: Failed loading storage pool: No such object
2        down        pending  focal       Failed creating instance record: Failed initialising instance: Failed loading storage pool: No such object
3        down        pending  focal       Failed creating instance record: Failed initialising instance: Failed loading storage pool: No such object
4        down        pending  focal       Failed creating instance record: Failed initialising instance: Failed loading storage pool: No such object
5        down        pending  focal       Failed creating instance record: Failed initialising instance: Failed loading storage pool: No such object
6        down        pending  focal       Failed creating instance record: Failed initialising instance: Failed loading storage pool: No such object
7        down        pending  focal       Failed creating instance record: Failed initialising instance: Failed loading storage pool: No such object
8        down        pending  focal       Failed creating instance record: Failed initialising instance: Failed loading storage pool: No such object
9        down        pending  focal       Failed creating instance record: Failed initialising instance: Failed loading storage pool: No such object

if you scroll across the status messages you’ll see the storage pool related messages

procedure works fine on single non-clustered node

@gabriel mmm, I see the error, but I don’t know how we can see what actual commands its running against LXD.

@stgraber are you able to assist with this?