Failure to start container "Error: Failed preparing container for start: Failed to start device "eth0":"

Raspberry pi 4, Ubuntu 21.10,

~lxc launch ubuntu:20.04
~lxc start container
Error: Failed preparing container for start: Failed to start device “eth0”: Failed to create the veth interfaces veth34cbc1ee and veth84f13473: Failed to run: ip link add veth34cbc1ee type veth peer name veth84f13473: Error: Unknown device type.

Default profile with lxdbr0

lxc init with defaults.

What happened here? Tried different containers with the same error.

Got help over at

Apparently for at least more than one year the Ubuntu image for raspberry pi do not include the necessary module. Despite that at least in their latest release including LXC/LXD by default…

On Ubuntu 21.10 I fixed it by running: sudo apt install linux-modules-extra-raspi