From LXD to Incus - limited disk space

Hi all,
I have to migrate a computer with 420GB of LXC data and 40GB of free disk space.
Could I run into space troubles launching lxd-to-incus?

Thank in advance

lxd-to-incus doesn’t copy data, it moves it, so that should be fine.

Basically the content of /var/snap/lxd/common/lxd will be moved over to /var/lib/incus.
If both are on the same partition, this is effectively instant and doesn’t cause any data copy+removal. If going across mounts/partitions, then data move is turned into a copy+delete operation but as it’s done on a per-file level, it still won’t run you out of space.

Hi Stephane,
the migration went (almost) well.
Good to know on voidlinux:

  1. lxd-to-incus stopped the main lxd process, not the log process so I had to stop it manually (sv stop /var/service/lxd/log)
  2. after migration, containers running docker inside AlpineLinux stopped working
  3. after device reboot, containers running docker inside AlpineLinux resume working, containers running systemd based os stopped working due to issue reported here Incus fails to allow forwarded ports on Void due to systemd expectations.... · Issue #51015 · void-linux/void-packages · GitHub

My kind regards