Headless wayland container streaming via Sunshine; sway / libinput not finding input devices

I have just made the switch over to Incus and let me preface this with a big thank you to all contributors who have seen to making the process as painless as possible. Needless to say, the conversion went without a hitch :slight_smile:

That being said, there’s a little pet project of mine that I have been trying to get off the ground for quite a while now without final success - streaming a headless wayland container via Sunshine.


There is a long history of running GUI apps in the container on the host (most recently this thread), which is not what I am trying to achieve since the host is purely accessed via SSH and is neither running a X nor wayland server. There is another topic where a user was having some success starting a container-only X-server and this is pretty much my direction using wlroots and sway in this case.

Setup info

I’m currently using Incus 5.0 from Debian Testing on Bookworm running on a Hetzner dedicated server. The container to be streamed is running Debian 12 as well with the following configuration -

container (device) configuration:

    gid: "44"
    pci: "0000:00:02.0"
    type: gpu
    gid: "1000"
    path: /dev/input/event7
    required: "false"
    source: /dev/input/event7
    type: unix-char
    uid: "1000"
    gid: "1000"
    path: /dev/input/event6
    required: "false"
    source: /dev/input/event6
    type: unix-char
    uid: "1000"
    gid: "1000"
    path: /dev/input/event4
    required: "false"
    source: /dev/input/event4
    type: unix-char
    uid: "1000"
    gid: "1000"
    path: /dev/input/event5
    required: "false"
    source: /dev/input/event5
    type: unix-char
    uid: "1000"
    gid: "1000"
    path: /dev/tty0
    source: /dev/tty0
    type: unix-char
    uid: "1000"
    gid: "1000"
    path: /dev/tty1
    source: /dev/tty1
    type: unix-char
    uid: "1000"
    gid: "1000"
    path: /dev/uinput
    type: unix-char
    uid: "1000"
    connect: udp:
    listen: udp:external-ip:60820
    nat: "true"
    type: proxy

Since Sunshine creates virtual input devices via uinput, I have forwarded “/dev/uinput” accordingly and made sure that the resulting input devices are added as well (the configuration is rather static since no devices are connected / disconnected from the server). Side-node: unix-hotplug does not add any devices to the container, but unix-char seems to work.

You’ll also find the iGPU as well as a port for WireGuard access forwarded to the container (with wayvnc and Sunshine bound to the VPN).

sway is started with the following script after logging in to the container via ssh. “libinput” as a backend works when forwarding “/dev/tty0” and “/dev/tty1”, though some errors (*) can be seen during startup. Alternatively, I can start with libinput using the “incus console [container]” command and then just running the below script script. The “headless” backend accesses a virtual display created by sway.

sway-startup.sh script:

export DESKTOP_SESSION="sway"                                                                                                                                                                                   
export XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP="sway"                                                                                                                                                                               
export XDG_DATA_DIRS="/usr/local/share:/usr/share:/var/lib/flatpak/exports/share:/home/desk/.local/share/flatpak/exports/share"                                                                                 
export XDG_SESSION_DESKTOP="sway"                                                                                                                                                                               
export XDG_SESSION_TYPE="wayland"                                                                                                                                                                               
export WLR_BACKENDS="headless,libinput"                                                                                                                                                                         
export WLR_LIBINPUT_NO_DEVICES="1"                                                                                                                                                                              
exec /usr/bin/sway -c /home/desk/.config/sway/desk

(*) errors when starting sway with libinput backend via ssh:

Jan 29 15:59:24 desk ssh[166884]: 00:00:00.001 [ERROR] [wlr] [libseat] [common/terminal.c:208] Could not set VT mode to enable process switching: Operation not permitted
Jan 29 15:59:24 desk ssh[166884]: 00:00:00.001 [ERROR] [wlr] [libseat] [common/terminal.c:248] Could not set KD keyboard mode to disabled: Operation not permitted
Jan 29 15:59:24 desk ssh[166884]: 00:00:00.001 [ERROR] [wlr] [libseat] [common/terminal.c:275] Could not set KD graphics mode to graphics: Operation not permitted

What works?

I tried connecting to the session using both, wayvnc and Sunshine with the former working pretty much flawlessly (*) and the latter only showing the stream without mouse and keyboard input being possible. This in itself is quite amazing imho since accelerated video (h.265 encoding for the Sunshine stream) and 3D seem to work without issues.

(*) Why not just use wayvnc then? The issue here is that while the stream uses h.264 encoding, the VNC screen capture method itself is way too slow to deliver full screen video or any high speed motion output such as scrolling a web page at higher resolutions. It also currently lacks sound support (the developer is looking into options), which, while not critical, would be nice to have.

wayvnc uses the wlr-virtual-{pointer,keyboard} protocol to add its virtual input devices, which are listed properly when querying with “swaymsg -t get_inputs”. Also, any game controller connected via Sunshine can be used since those are not managed by sway but accessed directly. I only tested with “Tuxkart”, so the controller may or may not be picked up by other titles, but that is not an issue for now.

What doesn’t?

This is not the case for Sunshine though, which creates its devices via uinput. The /dev/input/eventX entries get added correctly on the host, can be forwarded to the container and confirmed working by using e.g. evtest, but do not show up as libinput devices and consequently can’t be used to control the sway session.

I’d be grateful for any clues as to what might be missing here, if this can be made to work at all with the setup described above. This is not purely an incus issue, but there are probably quite a few people around who have tried something along those lines and might be able to provide input :slight_smile:

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Thanks for this!

If you want to offload the 2D/3D work to the host GPU (your local computer), you would need to use some software that performs just that. On the server there is a corresponding accelerated software GPU, otherwise you end up using llvmpipe which is not performant.

  1. virgl, for VMs
  2. VirtualGL

Also see this, Tutorial: How to run a full desktop environment on LXD The issue here is that all these tricks we do to run GUI apps in containers, are ways to glue together the container to the host. Containers created for isolation but we pierce holes into this isolation, and make devices of the hosts appear in the container. In some cases, the software needs some small changes, and @tarruda does exactly that.


@simos Thank you for your answer and regarding the points you mentioned:

2D/3D acceleration: This already works well in the container by simply making the GPU accessible as outlined above. I made sure that Sunshine is actually using hardware encoding when connecting to the container and the apps running inside proper acceleration.

DE in LXD / Incus: I’d prefer to use wayland instead of X and the current state (video + sound working) feels like we’re 90% there with a relatively simple configuration (no building / patching required). The only thing missing is the virtual mouse and keyboard input, which I am not sure can be made to work with this setup, but maybe somebody else has an idea.

If you do not get input (pun not intended) from someone else, I suggest to post a cheat sheet on how to setup the container. A minimal setup, with software encoding, accessible from a browser.

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Will do, but some “progress” (more like “dirty hack”) in the meantime: After failing to get the Sunshine input devices to register in the container, I have given up on that route, also since Lennart Poettering mentioned that using udev in containers is not possible, see udevadm trigger fails when run in lxd container · Issue #28156 · systemd/systemd · GitHub -

“sysfs is not virtualized for containers on Linux kernel. Running udev inside containers hence is not supported. udevadm trigger is conditioned on /sys/ being writable, which is how container managers should communicate that udev is not supposed to run.”

I tried setting “sys:rw” with the “lxc.mount.auto” option, but “udevadm trigger” reported many errors nevertheless. Not sure if there is a way around this, but the configuration is getting way too complex (and potentially insecure) for my taste once we start passing “raw.lxc” commands …

So what I resorted to in the end was using wayvnc / VNC with its working virtual mouse and keyboard for input (*) and Sunshine / Moonlight for display & sound by starting a VNC connection with TigerVNC, making its window transparent and and “overlaying” it on the Moonlight window. I have not yet found a way not to send a picture via VNC, but TigerVNC can be configured not to use much data, so this works for now to have a fully accelerated cloud desktop.

This also leads to a drastically simplified configuration since only the iGPU needs to be passed to the container -

    gid: "44"
    pci: "0000:00:02.0"
    type: gpu

(*) There are some programs to pass on only mouse and keyboard input (Barrier, Synergy, …), but those either don’t support wayland (yet) or need libinput / udev as well.

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Actually i have managed to do that you requested. I am passing uinput as a unix-char to the container and passing sunshines virtual devices as hotplug device. The … problem is the … libinput library (wayland ecosystem must abandon libinput and udev enum really) key thing is writing udev rules for (marking udev LIBINPUT enumurations) sunshine virtual devices in the container. Incus / LXD forwards hotplug devices to the container as UDEV events so we cannot get pure kernel evdev events in the container.

So my system is based on nixos with tmpfs mounted as rootfs and var/incus is bind mounted to an nvme.
Incus virtualized windows with passthrough dgpu and incus (unpriviliged) container with passthrough igpu.

I am running the ach container with Hyprland compositor and sunshine wlclient with vaapi.
Also passed ivshmem to the container so i can connect to windows VM with looking glass.

By the way Incus is awessooome. I am using incus for all my needs. It would be super awesome that we could intercept all ioctls (untrustwhorty CAP_SYS_ADMIN) :frowning:

If you are interested can share a simple tutorial about my setup.

Please feel free to ask questions if you sill need help passing through sunshine virtual devices.

Best Regards

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@Gun_Demirbas Great setup and thank you very much for tinkering with this! If I understand your post correctly, what is missing in my configuration is the udev rules. Would you mind sharing those as well as your container configuration to make sure that I didn’t miss anything else?

Ofcourse @falk42, just dont forget to make the container unprivileged. If youll give privileges to the container udev wont start in the container.

 security.syscalls.intercept.sched_setscheduler: "true"

    mode: "666"
    productid: dead
    type: unix-hotplug
    vendorid: beef
    mode: "666"
    productid: "4038"
    type: unix-hotplug
    vendorid: 046d
    mode: "0666"
    type: gpu
    mode: "666"
    path: /dev/tty
    type: unix-char
    mode: "666"
    path: /dev/tty0
    type: unix-char
    mode: "666"
    path: /dev/tty1
    type: unix-char
    mode: "666"
    path: /dev/tty2
    type: unix-char
    mode: "666"
    path: /dev/uinput
    type: unix-char
//in the container /etc/udev/rules.d/99-sunshine.rules

ACTION=="add|change", KERNEL=="event[0-9]*", ENV{ID_VENDOR_ID}=="beef", ENV{ID_INPUT}="1" ENV{ID_INPUT_KEYBOARD}="1"
ACTION=="add|change", KERNEL=="event[0-9]*", ENV{ID_VENDOR_ID}=="046d", ENV{ID_INPUT}="1" ENV{ID_INPUT_MOUSE}="1"

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@Gun_Demirbas Thank you very much for your help, but I can’t get the input devices to work on my end. The product - and vendor IDs are the same, but no device is added to /dev/input in the container. Adding them as unix-chars directly with the correct permissions makes them visible, but input via Moonlight still does not work. Could it be that the method I am using to start sway is the problem? I SSH into the container and run the following script …

export DESKTOP_SESSION="sway"                                                                                                                                                                                   
export XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP="sway"                                                                                                                                                                               
export XDG_DATA_DIRS="/usr/local/share:/usr/share:/var/lib/flatpak/exports/share:/home/desk/.local/share/flatpak/exports/share"                                                                                 
export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR="/run/user/1000"                                                                                                                                                                         
export XDG_SESSION_DESKTOP="sway"                                                                                                                                                                               
export XDG_SESSION_TYPE="wayland"                                                                                                                                                                               
export WLR_BACKENDS="headless,libinput"                                                                                                                                                                         
export WLR_LIBINPUT_NO_DEVICES="1"                                                                                                                                                                              
exec /usr/bin/sway -c /home/desk/.config/sway/desk

… which shows the following output:

00:00:00.001 [wlr] [libseat] [common/terminal.c:208] Could not set VT mode to enable process switching: Operation not permitted
00:00:00.001 [wlr] [libseat] [common/terminal.c:248] Could not set KD keyboard mode to disabled: Operation not permitted
00:00:00.001 [wlr] [libseat] [common/terminal.c:275] Could not set KD graphics mode to graphics: Operation not permitted
2024-03-07 11:59:25 - [main.c:293] Found config * for output HEADLESS-1 ((null))

How exactly do you start your sway / Hyprland session in the container? Perhaps a small tutorial with an overview of what you’re doing would indeed help to see where I’m going wrong.

could you please exec as root “udevadm monitor -ep”
before executing sunshine
both on host and container.

and please provide outputs after starting sunshine

By the way you should add those devices as unix-hotplug to forward udev events via incus.

when passing them as unix-char devices you should see them in /dev/input you can read from and write to them. (basically bind mounts them)

The most annoying thing is when you directly pass them to a container without udev data enumarated, libinput wont see those inputs.

The funky (i am really trying to be polite about udev context and libinput nonsense) libinput backend depends on udev context in wlroots. So udev must be active and udev data under /run/udev/data should be populated via udev by getting kernel events (in our case should be reforwarded via incus) and enumarating udev env vars as ID_INPUT and ID_INPUT* for those record.

After adding to incus config
mode: “666”
productid: dead
type: unix-hotplug
vendorid: beef
mode: “666”
productid: “4038”
type: unix-hotplug
vendorid: 046d

incus should forward those udev events to the container as kernel events.

and please compare udev monitor outputs (udevadm monitor -ep) on the host which sunshine generetad via uinput. kernel events are generated from sunshine via uinput and UDEV events should generated from host udev. If they are not matched we should match them so please write host udev rules that covers following.

//host udev rules
    ACTION=="add", ATTRS{id/vendor}=="beef", SUBSYSTEM=="input", ENV{ID_VENDOR_ID}="beef"
    ACTION=="add", ATTRS{id/product}=="dead", SUBSYSTEM=="input", ENV{ID_MODEL_ID}="dead"
    ACTION=="add", ATTRS{id/vendor}=="046d", SUBSYSTEM=="input", ENV{ID_VENDOR_ID}="046d"
    ACTION=="add", ATTRS{id/product}=="4038", SUBSYSTEM=="input", ENV{ID_MODEL_ID}="4038"

Dont worry about wlr libseat warning for cannot set VT mode KD keyboard and KD graphics. Those warnings about tty (virtual terminals) if you dont want to get those warning you should start “seatd” with SEATD_VTBOUND=0 env vars.
