How can I copy a storage pool/container & change the default pool?

How would I import a pool to a new LXD installation without loosing the container in the pool.
With pool I mean storage, in the table under column “NAME” and in this case called pool.
How can I change the default pool for new containers to use?
How can I move containers over to another storage source?

|  NAME   | DESCRIPTION | DRIVER |                     SOURCE                     | USED BY |
| default |             | dir    | /var/snap/lxd/common/lxd/storage-pools/default | 1       |
| pool    |             | btrfs  | /dev/sda1                                      | 0       |

You use profiles.
If you haven’t created new profiles, then only one profile “default” exists.
See command: lxc profile and the Advanced Guide.

You set it with:

    path: /
    pool: storagepool-name
    type: disk

With command: lxc copy
Note: You need to choose a new container-name if you copy it inside the same LXD server, see Bugreport.

You can also export containers, to copy them to another server.
With command: lxc export and lxc import