How to ensure central service ha in microovn cluster

  • lxd: 5.19-8635f82
  • microovn: 22.03.3+snap1d18f95c73
root@cont-82qTvb4Qf3:~# snap list
Name         Version                 Rev    Tracking       Publisher   Notes
core         16-2.60.4               16202  latest/stable  canonical✓  core
core22       20231123                1033   latest/stable  canonical✓  base
hello-world  6.4                     29     latest/stable  canonical✓  -
lxd          5.19-8635f82            26200  latest/stable  canonical✓  -
microovn     22.03.3+snap1d18f95c73  349    22.03/stable   canonical✓  -

I have a 4node microovn cluster.But my ovn-central service is not HA.
the central service is running on three of my microovn node.just like below:

root@cont-82qTvb4Qf3:~# microovn cluster list
|      NAME       |      ADDRESS       |   ROLE   |                           FINGERPRINT                            | STATUS |
| cont-82qTvb4Qf3 |   | stand-by | 41af4abd3a760dc50761875365ed6ab8be2db7fe9867eda13d19cb470dfe4b9c | ONLINE |
| cont-Hj0wcbTOM7 | | voter    | d8ebb9a55ddfb087c2137b8c53f2bba197691af9ac25959871444f8329f82dfd | ONLINE |
| cont-muKFMThP95 |   | voter    | 76043e6eda26000402827ead8448d527f7e9fe8d11798295b4504eb7acc42108 | ONLINE |
| cont-vxaZiAXEE3 |   | voter    | 19163069826cc9cb3102416c393ea2e446dcbe6324347d380d2f09fd2ad8bc9d | ONLINE |


root@cont-82qTvb4Qf3:~# microovn status
MicroOVN deployment summary:
- cont-82qTvb4Qf3 (
  Services: central, chassis, switch
- cont-Hj0wcbTOM7 (
  Services: central, chassis, switch
- cont-muKFMThP95 (
  Services: central, chassis, switch
- cont-vxaZiAXEE3 (
  Services: chassis, switch

I use snap stop microovn on node cont-82qTvb4Qf3 with central service.
and as you can see, central service is not running on node cont-vxaZiAXEE3.
To maintain ha, I thought a new central service would appear at node cont-vxaZiAXEE3.But it didn’t happen.

May I ask if there is a mechanism in place,ensure that the central service maintains 3 cluster members at all times?

I will have 10 microovn nodes in the future.I hope that even if some nodes go down, the central service will still be available.

What command can be used to run central service on a microovn node?
Or is there any automated way to maintain the cluster of central services?

I’m sorry but given the recent actions from Canonical regarding LXD:

We really can’t be providing support to LXD users on this forum anymore.

You may want to consider switching to Incus instead, or if you’d like to stay on LXD, you should reach out on the Canonical forum instead.

Sorry about that!