How to install and setup the Incus Web UI

This post shows how to setup the Incus UI

  1. expose the port 8443
  2. create the user certificate
  3. install the user certificate to Incus and your browser
  4. troubleshooting
  5. auxiliary explanations.

This post was written in response to a user’s question.

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Hello Simos, thank you for writing this how-to. I do have a question. You mention replacing the /var/lib/incus/server.{crt,key} with properly-signed ones using ‘incus cluster update-certificate’ (minor typo: the article still says ‘lxc cluster update-certificate’) so that the browser does not complain about self-signed certificates. However, when I use that command it updates the /var/lib/incus/cluster.{crt,key} files on all nodes and does not touch the server.{crt,key} files.

Do you or anyone know if there is a different way to use a command to update the https TLS certificate in the server.{crt,key} files?

I think I didn’t fully read what you said in the article. You do mention that you use the cluster command to update it and I guess I assumed that would update the server file and you did not mention that there is a separate cluster file.

Unfortunately I don’t have my original self-signed certs but I am gathering that for a cluster you need the cert to have subject-alternate names for each cluster member? I ask because I notice that my remote clients are expecting the cert to cover the FQDN of each node. If they are all the same then a single cert needs to be valid for all the node names.

Thanks, I fixed the typo.

I have not tested the cluster setup and I merely conveyed what (I understood that) is said in this post, Possible to use a 'real' SSL certificate for LXD API rather than self-signed? - #2 by stgraber

I think that @stgraber can shed some light here.