Thanx for all the help @tomp ! This is what I ultimately did to limit networking capacity on LXD containers, as a reference for others. (Here is a link to the references on available limits for networking)
- First, I investigate the individual container. Note the “-e” which is needed to see any settings derived from the profiles as they are not shown otherwise:
lxc config show -e mycontainer
- If you need to modify the individual container, this is done in two steps. In the example below, we limit the container to 1Mbit both upload & download:
lxc config device override mycontainer eth0 limits.ingress=1Mbit
lxc config device set mycontainer eth0 limits.egress=1Mbit
No container restart needed. This comes into effect immediately. You can test this with the tool speedtest-cli
If you like to set this for all containers in the default profile, then:
Edit the profile:
lxc config profile edit default
Add limits.egress & limits.ingress to the device as below.
Note that the changes will take effect immediately for all containers using the default container without container restart needed.
config: {}
description: Default LXD profile
limits.egress: 1Mbit
limits.ingress: 1Mbit
name: eth0
nictype: bridged
parent: br0
type: nic