$ lxc network list
| enp0s12 | physical | NO | 0 |
| lxdbr0 | bridge | YES | 4 |
| virbr0 | bridge | NO | 0 |
which shows that virbr0 is not managed by LXD. Therefore, LXD cannot remove it.
Actually, virbr0 is related to KVM so you do not need to do something here.
(Some hints: you could delete virbr0 through NetworkManager. See the nmcli device command. Still, do not remove this unless you are aware how it is used along Virtualbox).
i’m facing same kind of issue, there is network named lxcbr0,which is not managed by LXD, i tried deleting it using command
“lxc network delete lxcbr0”
but it gives;
error: not found.
can you help how can i remove it from list?
thanking in advance.