Incus console -t vga -> Fullscreen / Kiosk mode

Hello there,

I am currently investigating incus as a thinclient solution with local VMs.
That is:
the PC starts up, boots into a basic OS ( debian for now ),
there the user is presented with a basic locked down UI,
one can configure wifi and choose from a bunch of options.

those options are predefined commands that are started

  • incus launch img-host:win11 win11 --vm -e -p default -p win
  • incus launch img-host:debian-gnome debian-gnome --vm -e -p default -p lin

I have successfully deployed some of those with a third -p devices
that have gpu: type:gpu and usb: type: usb devices.

Now to my problem:
we have new intel nucs now, those do not pass the gpu correctly resulting in a black screen.
I have looked at virt-viewer a bit.
It has options for --full-screen and --kiosk that are quite interesting here.

Is there a way to pass options like this to the underlying command of incus console -t vga ?

I have tried the settings under .config/virt-viewer with no success

Easiest way around this I think would be to create a wrapper script in ~/.bin/ or /usr/local/bin, that script would essentially do:

exec /usr/bin/remote-viewer --kiosk "$@"

And you’d make sure that wherever that script is located, it’s path is in $PATH and is ahead of wherever the real remote-viewer is located. That way when Incus runs remote-viewer, it will run the wrapper, get the extra argument(s) and then exec the real thing.

Oh yea, that works perfectly, thank you very much.

Now I just need a way to make that a little more performant,
currently looking into raw.qemu.conf with other GPU drivers maybe