Incus for ChromiumOS . .

There is this Project, which its sole mission is to make ChromiumOS as Generic in terms of hardware support as the Android Generic Project. [ ]

This ChromiumOS Project goes by the name of Brunch, its goals is to is to replace all Proprietary Google Features with Open Source Alternatives ontop of a ChromiumOS RootC that Official Google Signed Recovery Images gets rebuild/merged into a Custom ChromiumOS Build, with overlays + bins + ebuilds + portage-scripts within the recoveries.

The current Brunch-toolchain uses LXC to replace both the Proprietary Android+Linux Subsystems in OEM ChromeOS [ Proprietary Builds/Compilations of ChromiumOS ].

Though LXC is now back in the hands of Canonical, I am hoping the Incus Community can assist with Brunch’s goals

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In regards to Brunch,

The best path to go, is to have a Generic ChromiumOS Base Image that Brunch can use that is accessible to everyone.

We could merge OpenFyde + ThoriumOS together . . .

ThoriumOS maintainer Alex313031 has already begun merging both OpenFyde & WayneOS overlays, patches, binaries, ebuilds into his ChromiumOS Builds.

So we should conrinue down this path.

In regards . . . Thorium: The Fastest Open Source Chromium-based Browser?

In this Linux AVX2 is a holding repo with repo urls for all architectures that Thorium Browser itself is compiled against.

Alex313031 usually updates the browsers first before the OSes.

So once all browsers are on the latest stable of 132 he will then update the ThoriumOS Builds in all the architectures he compiles against.

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LXC is not “back in the hands of Canonical,” it never was with them and it stays here as an open source project.

If you mean LXD, then it was always in Canonical’s hands and remains there, the only change being a more restrictive licence especially as it relates to contributions. In that case Incus is the more openly licensed alternative to LXD, and after more than a year apart there’s now some notable differences between the two in terms of features.

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Isn’t LXC the legacy version of LXD?

Isnt LXD the modern version of LXC?

Why was Incus Created if LXC is still open-source? Couldn’t LXC be maintained & had features added as ot was fone for Incus?

Unless LXC is too close in naming conventions to LXD to even be associated with being open-source & was the reason a new container project with a new name was invented?

Also have you taken a look at this?

So I guess LXC was tainted by Canonical as Stéphane Graber has mentioned . . .

No, it’s not.
LXC and liblxc is a low level container manager written in C.
It’s still used as the container runtime by LXD, Incus and others.

Incus uses liblxc/LXC, same as LXD did.
Incus is a community fork of LXD.

LXC existed long before LXD and still exists today, it’s used by both LXD and Incus as the low level container runtime alongside LXCFS for the resource overlay.

As you linked, the biggest bit of confusion comes from LXD using lxc as its command line command, which itself has nothing to do with LXC.

In any case, LXD is gone, it’s just a Canonical project now and we don’t have any control on what’s happening over there. On our side, we have LXC, LXCFS and Incus so things are must nicer and clearer now.

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Nicer, indeed. :smile:

I thought we should get to a common understanding on taxonomy and functionality here so that the requestor can be clearer with their ask.

Doing some more research these 2 projects streamline & create an easy to use TUI & GUI hybrid utilities/tools that automates the Brunch Framework/Toolchain.

These could be piped through Distrobuilder somehow . . . ?

This could be used for a template for Incus specifically . . .

Simply swap out the LXC bits for Incus bits . . .