Incus remote / prvate docker-registry - Image not found

Hey there,

if have a docker-registry running inside an incus container with docker…

I have succesfully added the registry to incus, but I get an error when i try this:

root@homelab:/home/jan# incus launch develbox:hello-world
Launching the instance
Error: Failed instance creation: Failed getting remote image info: Image not found

The registry is still working:

root@homelab:/home/jan# curl -k https://develbox:443/v2/_catalog

Does any one have any ideas?

Meanwhile i found this in the log of the registry:

2025/01/18 16:27:25 http: TLS handshake error from remote error: tls: bad certificate

Seams that incus oder the registry is not accepting the selfsigned SANs IP certificate :-/

I don’t think this is related to incus itself, nevertheless it could be implemented as for eg --insecure flag, it might already exist.

You could add the certificate to your trusted store.

Something along the following lines, depending on your distribution.

sudo cp your-registry.crt /etc/ssl/certs/
sudo update-ca-certificates

I think incus uses skopeo and umoci.

Hi htcosta,

cp the crt to my truststore and update with update-ca-certificates worked! :slight_smile:

Sometimes things are really easy. than you very much and be welcome to the community :slight_smile:

Best regards


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btw. it’s skopeo


Thanks, happy to be here, been following incus since it’s been forked from LXD.