Installing LXD from flatpak (

The recommended way to install LXD these days is with the snap. Flatpak is preinstalled on a numerous of Linux distributions, is there any special reason why not distributing LXD via flatpak?

There are several software packaging formats. The maintainers of LXD have opted for snap packages.
It is possible for someone else in the community to package into other packaging formats.

My understanding with flatpak is that it is meant for desktop applications and not network services. Has this been changed?

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My understanding with flatpak is that it is meant for desktop applications and not network services.

  • Publish your app for Linux users - for desktop, cloud, and Internet of Things.
  • Flatpak is a next-generation technology for building and distributing desktop applications on Linux

… I haven’t realized that (understand why) flatpak was made with the limitation to Desktop-Apps / thanks for your additional hints!

I haven’t … understand why … flatpak was made with the limitation to Desktop-Apps

I found the answer

Can Flatpak be used on servers too?
Flatpak is designed to run inside a desktop session and relies on certain session services, such as a D-Bus session bus and, optionally, a systemd --user instance. This makes Flatpak not a good match for a server. However, the build features of Flatpak run fine outside a session, so you can build things on a server.