Is it possible for Incus to run on an OVH cloud VPS?

I’ve tried installing Incus 6.5 on an OVH cloud VPS running Ubuntu Jammy
I’ve followed the getting started guide.
The bridge is created and assigned an IP, but when launching a Container or VM no network address is assigned and no address appears in incus list (after waiting a long time)


It should work just fine. You do not mention whether you are using some networking setup that is not the default. Do you use the private bridge (incusbr0) or something else like macvlan which requires from you to buy additional public IP addresses?

Thanks for quick reply,
Tailscale and a Tinc network are installed and working fine.
I have answered ipv6 none in incus admin init, but all the other answers would have been the defaults.
The VPS is locked down for SSH port 22, via tailscale only.
networkctl does show incusbr0 as bridge, routable.
There no indication of an error in journalctl, nor in the container’s console.log

So I have no clue as to it not assigning an IP.
And a reboot does not change anything.

You would need to check that incusbr0 is not affected by any firewall rules. I suppose incus network list shows incusbr0, and says it’s managed, right?
Incus provides a process of dnsmasq that is what’s managing the interface.

If you still cannot find the cause of the problem, setup a test system and PM me so that I can have a look.

Yes, incus network list show incusbr0 as managed.
I’ve tried disabling UFW, the VPS still protected by OVH’s firewall.
And. yes, it is the UFW firewall that is preventing IP allocation.
I allowed 22 and disabled tailscale.
But I have only standard allow rules in UFW, ie 80, 443 etc, with a deny for 3389
iptables -L looks OK to me
So what is incus and dnsmasq doing that UFW would block?

I’ve added the bridge rule from the Incus documentation

sudo ufw allow in on "$BRIDGE"
sudo ufw route allow in on "$BRIDGE"
sudo ufw route allow out on "$BRIDGE"

and that’s solved it
I’ve never had to do this before on the machines in my home, but I guess I don’t run UFW on them either.
Thanks for your help