Is it possible to connect incusbr0 with br0


May I know how to connect incusbr0 with br0, if possible?
My system using KVM with brctl, recently I installed incus.

I tried to use br0 in incus. But, incus passthrough br0.
So kvm guests who are using br0, can’t use br0.

If it is possible to connect br0, please teach me.

You shouldn’t really be connecting bridges together.

What’s the problem with using the existing br0 bridge?

You should be able to do it with:

incus create images:ubuntu/24.04 test-vm --vm
incus config device add test-vm eth0 nic nictype=bridged parent=br0 name=eth0
incus start test-vm

If that works correctly, then you’d want to edit your default profile with incus profile edit and change the eth0 device in there to look like:

  type: nic
  nictype: briged
  parent: br0
  name: eth0

At which point all instances will be using your existing br0 bridge and you’ll be able to delete incusbr0 with incus network delete incusbr0


Thanks for instrution.^^

Wow, very easy.
I can’t tell you how many days I struggled with this.
With your help, I solved it easily

After configuring it, I started the incus instance.
And I can see instances where it is connected with brctl.


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