Is it possible to create OVN networks without a router?

Hi! Is it possible to create OVN networks in Incus without having a router automatically attached? My use case is to create pretty large virtual environments and 99% of the networks/portgroups need no external connectivity.

network=none can be used to create an OVN network without a connection to an uplink network.

@stgraber thank you for the quick reply! I stood up an Incus cluster and the network=none definitely resulted in an OVN net not connected to an uplink!

However, I still have a logical router instance connected to the OVN network as I’m not allowed to specify both IPv4 and v6 addresses to be none:

Manually deleting the logical router instance after creation of the OVN network also results in failures when launching container/VM instances…

I need to be able to create OVN networks unattached to logical routers. Is this beyond the scope of intended functionality?

Thanks again for the replies!


We should be able to allow the config with no uplink and with ipv4 and ipv6 disabled.

Can you file this at Issues · lxc/incus · GitHub?