Is it possible to define proxy device listening on IPV6 and connecting to IPV4?

Recently I have switched ISPs, and my new ISP doesn’t give my router a public IPV4 address, which means I can no longer access my raspberry pi wireguard endpoint.

IPV6 seems to be working fine on the new ISP, and I can even see the IPV6 address assigned to the raspberry pi when doing curl (I assume this means the raspberry pi will be reachable without any NAT configuration on the router).

The wireguard service is running in an Incus container with a known IPV4 address. Is it possible to create a proxy device that will receive IPV6 UDP packets and forward to the container IPV4 address?

The proxy device should be able to handle that though wireguard may not be thrilled to see all clients connecting from the same proxy IP.

The proxy device should be able to handle that

Can you show me an example configuration? I could not find many IPv6 examples

wireguard may not be thrilled to see all clients connecting from the same proxy IP.

Isn´t that what happens already with IPv4 and NAT? In my previous setup, all wireguard UDP packets were forwarded from my router to the device running wireguard (raspberry PI). I assume in this case the raspberry pi simply sees all packets coming from the router IP.